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SQL Adapter

This page explains the SQL Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to SQL Adapter in the Designer guide.

The Bridge uses a generic SQL Database Management System (DBMS) adapter that works with the following DBMSs:

  • DB2

  • Informix

  • InterBase

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQLBase

  • SQLite

  • SQLServer

  • Sybase

Example File (Builder projectAdd-ons/SQL):

<your example path>\Add-ons\SQL\uml\sqlBlob.xml
<your example path>\Add-ons\SQL\uml\sqlConfiguration.xml
<your example path>\Add-ons\SQL\uml\sqlOdbc.xml
<your example path>\Add-ons\SQL\uml\sqlQueries.xml
<your example path>\Add-ons\SQL\uml\sqlStoredProcedures.xml

The Bridge also supports MongoDB with a dedicated adapter. See MongoDB Adapter for more details.

Preliminary Notes

To use the SQL adapter, you need to install the client tools or the ODBC drivers of the related database. Second, the adapter itself has to be configured. Read more about this topic in chapter Installing and Configuring Database Access.

It is of crucial importance to note that all these databases are accessed via the same adapter. The actual database configuration is described in the component only (see chapter SQL Deployment). This facilitates the management and redirecting of logically equivalent SQL statements to different databases.

Database Interchangeability

In order to have the option to switch between DBMSs smoothly, it is strongly recommended to only use ANSI SQL in database queries. If using proper ANSI SQL, all databases served by the SQL adapter are able to communicate with the Bridge. However, if you introduce special commands (like Oracle SQL dialects) into your queries, you are bound to the Oracle DBMS and cannot switch freely.

ODBC Support

Additionally, the Bridge supports the ODBC protocol. Note, that some ODBC drivers have the constraint that only one BLOB is allowed per table. Additionally, the blob type may be defined as last column only. To evade such constraints, use native database drivers whenever possible (see example model odbc.xml referenced below).

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