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RFC Communication

The Designer offers to communicate with an SAP server via the SAP RFC (Remote Function Call) protocol. You can invoke RFC functions using the SAP adapter, e.g. RFC enabled ABAP programs can be called as RFC functions. When calling RFC functions, the xUML service acts as an RFC client.

This requires the following steps:

1. Define the Connection to an SAP System

To define the connection to an SAP system, you can

2. Perform an RFC Call Using the SAP Adapter

Once you have created an SAP connector to your service (or defined the interface manually), you can add ABAP function calls via RFC from the connector to any diagram to create an SAP adapter to your service.

  1. Add an operation from the SAP connector to a diagram to add a REST adapter.
    You can drag out operations from the data model to any diagram:

  2. Configure the SAP adapter to your needs.

SAP RFC adapter operations need to get stereotype SAP RFC Adapter applied.

Refer to SAP Adapter Reference for more information on the configuration options of this adapter.

Refer to Using Connectors for more information.


Click here to download a simple example model that shows the usage of the SAP adapter for RFCs in Scheer PAS Designer.

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