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Documentation up to version 1.7.0 (obsolete)


This is the documentation of the JavaMail library up to version 1.7.0, which is officially no longer supported. Please use JavaMail Adapter instead.

You may need to use this library when you are still working with Bridge Release 6, as the new version 2.x requires Bridge Release 7.
For the same reason, there is no official example project, but the documentation is quite complete and should allow you to use the old version "as-is".

POP3 Adapter and SMTP Adapter provide basic email receiving and sending. However, these adapters do not offer advanced features such as imap/imaps/smtps support, ssl/starttls encryption or selective access by folder, date and time, subject etc. In scenarios where such advanced features are required, we recommend the use of the JavaMail library.

JavaMail library aims at providing the means to interact with all modern email servers through a common API with the convenience of a pre-packaged, ready to use Bridge xUML library. The API is available through a number of library classes that define the operations, whose parameters refer to the underlying Java implementation. After importing the JavaMail library, there is no need to import any further components, java classes etc. - you can start using it in your project right away.

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