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Find below a list of all available utilities in alphabetical order:

Monitoring Service with UIThe Monitoring Service is a tool to monitor xUML services and get notified about problems.
Restifier for SAPThe RESTifier for SAP is a Node.js service that enables you to access any BAPI RFC function of your SAP system from within any application by using REST calls.
WSDL Generator for SAP RFCThe WSDL Generator for SAP RFC service creates WSDL-Files from SAP RFCs in order to import them into a Builder project. The service provides a user interface (UI) to trigger the generation. With this UI you can either request a list of RFCs by putting them into the corresponding field in the UI, or you can specify a simple file as input containing a list of all RFCs. Using a file might be handy in case you have to recreate the WSDL at a later date.
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