SAP Service
RFC Communication
The SAP RFC (Remote Function Call) protocol is the most basic way of communicating with SAP offered by the Bridge. The Bridge enables the modeler to invoke RFC functions as well as to provide RFC interfaces called by SAP systems. For example, RFC enabled ABAP programs are called as RFC functions. On the other hand, Bridge RFC services can be called within ABAP programs like a remote ABAP function.
When calling RFC functions, the Bridge acts as RFC client. If the Bridge is called by SAP, it acts as SAP RFC server. Besides RFC, the Bridge supports the tRFC protocol as well. This protocol allows for transactional control of RFC calls. The following chapters explain how to use the Bridge as (t)RFC client and server
This section contains information on how to provide an RFC interface that can be call by SAP systems. Refer to SAP Adapter for information on how to invoke RFC functions.
For information on IDoc handling refer to IDoc Handling.
SAP Service Correlation ID
If the SAP service is a tRFC service and thus called with a transaction ID, this ID will be logged to the transaction log as a correlation ID (see Contents of the Transaction Log and tRFC Client).