Building up a Test Scenario
Start the Analyzer and open the Builder Project you want to build up a test scenario for in the Trace Analyzer. This documentation uses the Purchase Order Example from the PState Builder project in Advanced Modeling to explain the features of the Regression Test Tool. You can easily reproduce the steps explained with this example.
Click here to download the example file: Builder project Advanced Modeling/PState
<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\PState\uml\pstatePurchaseOrder.xml
Building up a test scenario follows the steps listed below:
Create test cases and reference data with the Trace Analyzer.
Create all test cases you need for regression testing with the Trace Analyzer and run them to create the reference data.Create a test suite in the Regression Test Tool and import the previously defined test cases.
In the Regression Test Tool, create a test suite and import the test cases from the Trace Analyzer into this test suite. Sort the tests into a meaningful order.Run the test suite and evaluate the test case results.
Running a test suite will create test data that can be compared to the previously defined reference data. The result of the test case compare has to be evaluated.Automate starting and stopping the service.
Before running a test suite the corresponding service(s) must be running on the Bridge. The Regression Test Tool provides the functionality to automate starting and stopping of xUML services on the Bridge.
Additionally you may want to
add a test case to a test suite.
Define a test case in the Trace Analyzer and import that single test case to a test suite in the Regression Test Tool.use the test suite as a library.
Convert a test suite into a library so that it can be used in multiple tests, e.g. on different Bridges.add build and deploy tests.
Add a build and a deploy test to fully automate the testing after model changes.
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