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Overview on the Scheer PAS Bridge

Bridge® Terminology

The term Scheer PAS Bridge describes the software of the Bridge Integration Platform as a whole. The Bridge contains two major components:

  • Runtimes for xUML services, Node.js services and Java services.
  • An administration console with whom you can manage entities like Bridge node instances, proxy servers, Bridge domains, deployed services, users, groups, and the Bridge itself.

The Bridge is installed on a Bridge node instance, whereas node instance is the term used for a physical machine.

As mentioned before, the administration console of the Bridge enables you to manage deployed service instances, in particular xUML services. An xUML service is modeled and created with the Scheer PAS Builder, which is integrated in UML editors as plug-in. You can find more information in the Builder User's Guide. After the compilation with the xUML Model Compiler, the xUML service is deployed to a node instance that has been defined in the preferences of the UML model. This node instance must run the Bridge. Once the xUML service is deployed and running on the Bridge, it is able to receive SOAP requests from clients and send back SOAP responses.
Note, that besides SOAP, the frontend services can also communicate with client applications using other protocols such as SAP RFC or HTTP(S).

Overview on the Administration Console

As the administration console of the Bridge is a web-based application, it can be accessed on any platform where a standard Web browser is available.

It provides the following features:

  • Managing services that are running on the Bridge
  • Managing users and groups
  • Managing Bridge domains and node instances
  • View Bridge access and error logs
  • Upload software updates
  • Managing proxies and certificates

The Console application consists of a set of Java web applications running on a Tomcat server.

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