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Renaming a File

This page explains the Filesystem Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to Filesystem Adapter in the Designer guide.

Parameters of Action "rename"


Fully qualified file name of the file you want to rename, including the path.


New name you want to rename the file to. We recommend to provide a fully qualified file name (including the path).

When using the Windows style with backward slashes "\" you have to be aware that you have escape this character. The escape character is also the "\".
To avoid this, use forward slashes with Windows as well.

Defining a "rename" Action

To rename a file with the file system adapter, you need to define a rename action on an action having the stereotype <<FileSystemAdapter>>. You can do this manually or with the help of the xUML Action Wizard (see context menu of the action node).

Figure: Renaming a File

The new file name newName is of the base type String and has to be provided dynamically. We recommend to provide a fully qualified file name (including the path).

The path and file name of the file you want to rename are defined in the component diagram. The link from the activity diagram to the physical information is established by an alias (in the present example: FileAlias). See File System Components for more information on file system aliases.
For information on how to access a file or directory dynamically refer to Dynamic File System Access.

Related Error Codes

Find a list of all File System Adapter error codes on System Errors of the File System Adapter.

Error CodeDescription

Failed renaming <file name>.

Moving Files using the "rename" Action

You can use the rename action to easily move around files, simply by providing a new path with parameter newName.

This only works inside the same filesystem. Trying to move files to mounted filesystems will result in a "cross-device-link" error.

Related Error Codes

Find a list of all File System Adapter error codes on System Errors of the File System Adapter.

Error CodeDescription

Failed renaming <file name>.

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