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xUML Service

Runtime 2020.7 Using the Single xUML Service Docker Image, you can deploy and run a single xUML service in a dedicated Docker container. The container contains the service and an xUML RUNTIME with a corresponding xUML license.

The advantage of using Docker for single xUML services is that you can easily run multiple instances of the same service.

Note however that not all services are equally suited to run in a Docker container. Services that store data to the local file system (e.g. local persistent state database, ...) will lose their data on docker-compose down.


The software uses Docker to run.

  • The Docker Community Editon (CE) (version 18.06 or newer) is sufficient to run the software. The provided Docker containers are Linux containers.
    Refer to the Docker documentation pages for more information on supported platforms and how to install Docker.

  • As Docker host, we support Linux, namely the following Linux distributions:

    • RedHat/CentOS

    • Ubuntu

  • The Docker tool docker-compose (version 1.23 or newer) must be installed.

Preferences of the xUML Service Docker Image

The following packages are already installed:




MySQL database client.


Microsoft SQL Server database client.


Oracle database client.

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