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Controls Panel

In the Controls Panel you can find the necessary options to execute your service. If you use the panel preset, the controls panel is displayed below the service panel:


To return to the panel preset, go to the user preferences and use the button Reset Panels.

Refer to Customizing Editors and Panels for detailed information about panel management in general.

Controls Panel Contents

The controls panel contains several quick action icons and an additional menu:




Start Validation


Use this option to trigger a validation run (compilation) of the service. This is useful if the automatic validation is disabled. For further information about automatic validation, refer to Service Configuration Details.

Log Analyzer


Use this option to access the service logs of the xUML service and the Angular Application server. Refer to Analyzing Platform Logs in the Administration Guide for detailed information regarding the Log Analyzer.

Clear Compiler Cache


Use this option to clear your Compiler cache. Clearing the Compiler cache is helpful if the validation panel shows errors you cannot solve.
Using this option reinitializes the test environment. Refer to Working with the Test Environment for further details.

Open Application


Use this option to open the test application in a new browser tab. You will then be able to fill your forms. Refer to Working with the Test Environment for further details.

Open Menu


Use this option to open the additional menu of the controls panel which gives you access to further options.

Which icons are enabled depends on the deployment permissions of your user and the deployment status of the respective service.
For more information about which permissions or user profiles are necessary in each case to deploy your service to the two different deployment targets, refer to Service Deployment Details.

Controls Panel Menu

The additional menu of the controls panel gives you access to further options:

Menu Option


Further Information

Pro Code (Export)


If the service contains forms, you can download the source of the generated Angular app project to use the existing version for further Pro-Code development.

Select menu option Application to download the source of the Angular app project as a .zip file.

Forms Library

If the service contains forms, you can download these forms as a pro code angular library. The library already contains the necessary structure and meta-information to directly start coding.

Select menu option Forms Library to export the source of the forms as Angular library project (.zip file).

Compiled (Export)


Select menu option Service to export the xUML service repository as a .rep file.

Use the export:

  • if you want to deploy the repository to another system.

  • if you want to analyze the service with the Analyzer.

Make sure that you have chosen the correct deployment target in the service properties, because the Compiler provides different .rep files for integration and container deployment.


Select menu option Library to export the xUML library as .xlib file. All classes and forms which are marked as to be part of the library, and all dependent classes are included.

Designer Service (Export)

Select menu option Designer Service to export all contents of the Designer service (processes, forms and implementations) as a .zip file.

Support Data (Export)

Select menu option Support Data to export all files generated by the Compiler. Attach the exported file to any support request in case you should have problems with a service. The data helps our support team to analyze and understand errors in your service.

Apply CSS

Select menu option Apply CSS to select one or several CSS files that you want to use in your service.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.