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JavaScript Specifics

General Specifics

The following general specifics apply to JavaScript for the Designer:

  • In the script, input and output parameters are known by their name.

  • If you want your function to return a value

    • add the return parameter to the operation signature

    • use a return statement for the value you want to return

Please note that nothing will prevent you from returning values without having the return parameter defined on the operation.

  • If you defined a return parameter but didn't use a return statement in your script, the return value is NULL.

  • If you did not define a return parameter but exited the JavaScript with return <something>, the value of the return parameter can not be accessed by the operation caller.

  • Every unassigned xUML object property is set to NULL.

  • The xUML object properties defined in the model cannot be deleted.

  • The JavaScript code will be executed in strict mode ("use strict"), using the V8 engine.


There are some limitations to array handling due to the ECMA standard. This is discussed on JavaScript Type Mapping.

Exception Handling

Thrown exceptions will be propagated outside the operation as standard Runtime exceptions. All JavaScript exceptions will be reported to the Designer as SCRIPTSM/1. They can be caught using the JavaScript statement try{} catch(){}. You can throw a user-defined exception using the throw statement.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.