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Inserting and Deleting Documents

You can use the MongoDB adapter to interact with a MongoDB and to insert, get and manipulate documents.

Inserting Documents

Using one of the insert operations, you can insert one or more documents into a MongoDB.

The MongoDB adapter comes with two insert operations: one to insert a single document, the other to insert multiple documents at once.





<document class>

A single object of an xUML class representing the document structure.


Array of <document class>

An array of objects of an xUML class representing the document structure.

Refer to the reference of the insert operations for a detailed description of all parameters and options.

Deleting Documents

Using the delete operation, you can remove one or more documents from a MongoDB.

For all actions that refer to existing documents, you need to provide a query string (queryString) to identify them. A query string contains all properties of the document you want to use for selection.

Assume we have the following sample Customer document structure:

  "id": "ebd7c78b-44e0-4cbd-8164-d28431716942"
  "name": "John Snow",
  "company": "Winter & Partners",
  "address": {
    "street": "99, Malamute Street",
    "city": "Anchorage, AK 99506",
    "country:": "USA"
  orderValue: "16323.00

The simplest way to create a query string is the following:

  1. Create an object having the structure of the document ( Customer in the example).

    create queryData;
  2. Set all query values to this object (the customerID in the example).

    set = customerID;
  3. Provide this object as queryString by converting it to JSON using classToExtendedJSON().

    set queryString = queryData.classToExtendedJSON();

To build a query string, we recommend to not use concat() operations but to create a data structure that represents the update string and can be converted to JSON with classToExtendedJSON().

Building a query string manually (e.g. using concat()) is susceptible to code injection.

You can remove all documents from the collection by providing { } as queryString.

Refer to reference of the delete operations for a detailed description of all other parameters and options.


Click here to download a simple example model that shows the usage of the MongoDB adapter in Scheer PAS Designer.

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