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Monitoring UI

With the Monitoring UI, you can configure all errors that occur on the Bridge instance in regards of

  • downtimes
  • notification threshold
  • notification patterns

All those adjustments can be made, if this error has occurred at least once. Once the error has occurred, it will be added to the database and can be configured. It is not possible to "create" errors within the UI.

Installing the UI

The Monitoring UI is an add-on to the Monitoring Base service. Given the case that the Monitoring Base Service is already deployed and configured (see Monitoring Base Service), the UI can just be deployed without any other prerequisites.
For information on how to deploy services, refer to Deployment of xUML Services.

User Authentication and Authorization

The access to the Monitoring UI can be controlled via user authentication and authorization.

User Authentication

Set setting Use User Authentication to true to enable user authentication. User authentication can be controlled via

SmartCard loginTo use SmartCard login, enable this via setting Login With Smartcard supported and enabled.
a database dedicated to identity access managementConfigure database IdentityAccessManagement.sqlite with valid user data and deploy it to the E2E Bridge. Refer to Deploying and Managing Resources for information on how to deploy resources to an E2E Bridge.

User Authorization

An LDAP directory is used to check for authenticated users, if they are allowed to access the UI. Specify the corresponding LDAP settings as described in Changing the UI Settings below.

Changing the UI Settings

The E2E Monitoring UI can be configured via its service settings. For more information on how to access the settings of a service, refer to xUML Service Settings.

Setting NameDescriptionValues / Examples
User Authentication
Use User AuthenticationSpecify whether user authentication should be used to control access to the UI.true (default)Use user authentication.
falseDo not use user authentication.
TokenValidDurationDaysSpecify the duration in days the user session will be valid.0 (default)
TokenValidDurationHoursSpecify the duration in hours the user session will be valid.0 (default)
TokenValidDurationMinutesSpecify the duration in minutes the user session will be valid.15 (default)
User Authorization (LDAP Configuration)
getMethodFromAliasSpecify the LDAP access query method.GET (default)
getURLFrom AliasProvide host and port for the LDAP access query.ldap://localhost:384
LDAP PWProvide a password for LDAP authentication.
LDAP UserSpecify the user for LDAP authentication.CN=John Smith,ou=users,ou=staff,DC=e2e,DC=ch
ldapLink_1Specify the LDAP link (1).
ldapLink_2Specify the LDAP link (2).
Name of LDAP Group 1Specify the group the UI user has to be member of (1).
Name of LDAP Group 2Specify the group the UI user has to be member of (2).
ID Of ApplicationSpecify the Application ID to check against.
SmartCard Login
Login With Smartcard supported and enabledEnable/Disable SmartCard login.true (default)SmartCard login enabled.
falseSmartCard login disabled.
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