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self Context

Class operations can be static or non-static (see Adding Operation Calls). If an operation is non-static, it can only be executed on a given instance of the related class: You need to provide an object of this class to the target pin of the operation.
Within this operation, the contents of the object are available via the self context.


Assume you have the following Product class with

  • a non-static updateStock operation that updates a given quantity of the current product to the stock

  • and a static updateStorageSystem operation that updates the storage system with a given quantity

The self context provides the object content via the keyword self to the operation updateStock().






self.<property name>

Use this notation to access to a property of the related class.


Operation (non-static)

self.<operation name>(<parameters>)

Use the dot notation to call to a non-static operation of the related class.


Operation (static)

self:<operation name>(<parameters>)

Use the usage notation (colon) to call a static operation of the related class.

self:updateStorageSystem(, 20.0)

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