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Set Array Element Operator []


set anArray[ anIndex ] = <expression>


The operator [i] allows to set the i-th element of the array. The first element has the position 0. anIndex can be a static integer literal, an object type Integer or an action script language operation or expression returning an integer.



Can be any variable or object attribute having the type Array.


Can be any expression that evaluates to an integer.

It is not possible to use class operations as index function – only built-in action script language operations are allowed.


The examples below are based on the following class structure:

Object input is of type Container having a string array called myList and an array called myComplexList. The latter one holds elements of type ContainerElement, which in turn contain the integer attribute number.

set input.myList[index] = "changed";
set input.myComplexList[index].number = 4711;
set input.myList[input.myList.count()-1] = "changed";
set input.myComplexList[input.myComplexList.count()-1].number = 4711;

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