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xUML Service Log Levels

You can set the following log levels for each xUML service. The higher the log level, the more information is written to the log files. The log levels in the table below are cumulative and are ordered from the lowest to the highest log level. For each log level, also the information of the lower levels is logged.

Standard Log

You can set the following log levels for each xUML service. The higher the log level, the more information is written to the log files. The log levels in the table below are cumulative and are ordered from the lowest to the highest log level. For each log level, also the information of the lower levels is logged.

Log Level



Logging is disabled.


Logs fatal errors.

A fatal error means that the service cannot continue its normal execution, e.g. due to repository errors, system limitations like no more available threads or memory.

These errors need the intervention of an administrator to solve the problem.


Logs fatal errors and other errors.

Errors other than fatal errors are not written if they are caught in the Designer service model, e.g. connection errors, wrong SQL statements, applying operations to invalid values, and so forth.

If an error is caught, the modeler must take care of the error handling.


Logs errors and warnings.

Warnings indicate unexpected but non-critical situations that do not interrupt normal operation.


Logs errors, warnings, and general information about your process steps and other service events.

This general information includes, for instance, which component is being started or stopped, loaded add-ons, licensing information, etc.


Logs errors, warnings, general information, and low-level debug information.

In addition to log level Info, low-level debug information is written into an error file specified in the error message. Furthermore, the full adapter communication stream is written to the xUML service standard log.
For more details on debugging an xUML service, refer to xUML Service Dump in the Integration User's Guide.

Use this log level with care and only when investigating problems. As all tracing information has to be logged, it may result in significant loss of performance with increasing complexity of the deployed xUML service.

If an error occurred, a call stack is written into the error log exposing the path to the action state where the error occurred in the model.
[2006-04-20 08:31:13 W. Europe Standard Time][Error] [Internal][FUASM][3][Division by zero - Callstack: calculate > Calculation > call_Division > Division > Divide]

Transaction Log

You can set the following transaction log levels for each xUML service. The higher the log level, the more information is written to the log files. The log levels in the table below are cumulative and are ordered from the lowest to the highest log level. For each log level, also the information of the lower levels is logged.

Log Level



Logging is disabled.


Logs process information and custom log messages that have been implemented to the process. This is the minimum log level to use if KPIs (for Process Mining) should be logged to the process logs.

For more details, refer to Logger Adapter Reference in the Designer Guide.


Logs custom messages, and calls to the service interface.

Logs, for example, start and end of calls to REST, SOAP, SAPRFC, or HTTP operations.


Logs custom messages, calls to the service interface, and adapter calls to external systems.

External systems, for example, are SAP, SQL, REST, etc. For SQL access, for instance, the queries sent to the database will be logged as well.

Calls via the file system and system adapter are excluded.


Logs custom messages, calls to the service interface, and adapter calls to external and internal systems.

Logs also calls to internal systems like , e.g., the Filesystem Adapter.

Logging also includes start and end time of service calls and can be used to analyze process performance. Refer to Contents of the xUML Service Transaction Log in the Administration Guide for a reference page with all transaction log details.

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