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Responsive Form (Sub Form)

The Element Responsive Form

BPaaS 17.2

Element Icon
in Sidebar

Form Field



The Responsive Form element in the Forms Editor is the same element as the Responsive Form EPC in the Process Editor. Open the element to create another form. The element thus enables forms to be nested.


You have to open the element in order to edit it. This can be done either via the Edit Sidebar (use button Open to Edit), via the 

button or by double-clicking on the element.


In ACME's Bidding Process for each customer request a ticket is created. The customer request itself as well as the customer contact data is the main data  - which should be displayed in every process step. Therefore, the responsive form ticket_customer_request is created. It contains the main data. In the next process step, the Sales department input is designed. In form Ticket Sales the PAS design user is able to reuse the responsive form ticket_customer_request, so he only has to add the Sales' input fields to the new form.

During execution, the content of the nested form ticket_customer_request is displayed at the appropriate position:

Example in Form Editor:


Example During Execution:


The size of the element Responsive Form cannot be adjusted in the Forms Editor. You cannot use it within a Responsive Element.

Configuration Options

The form element may be edited via the Edit Sidebar.


Field name shown in the form.

ID PAS 19.2

The read-only field contains the model ID of the element. Designers can use the ID for example in the search to link the element in other models.


When a user hovers over a form element during execution, the content of the commentary field is shown as a quick info:


Possibility to insert your own key terms . The leading hashtag sign # (hash) will be inserted automatically.

Use the space bar to separate multiple hashtags:


One hashtag may be issued for multiple elements:

Additional CSS Classes

Enables a field-acurate layout customization.

Open to Edit

Use this button to open the form.

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