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Using Imported Models

For imported models, a corresponding element is not automatically created on the workspace. The designer has to create this link by himself: You decide on which level of the BPaaS Editor you want to use your import.

After the import, enter the name of your imported model in the global search. You can then drag and drop the imported model from the hit list onto the workspace. The corresponding element (for example an EPC model or form) is created on the work area. You can now use the new element to access the contents of the import at any time.

For helpful tips on using the global search, refer to Searching in BPaaS Editor.

Important Note for Transporting Apps with Roles

Roles are managed centrally in the administration. When transporting role-based models from one system to another (for example, from a test system to a production system), you must ensure that the roles are also imported to the relevant administration. Further information on this topic can be found in the Administration Guide > Reusing Central Roles.

Example: Using the Import "Employee Database"

In ACME's development profile, Irene Adler created the app project Employee Database. She tested the app successfully. Now she wants to import it in the official ACME profile and add it to the project ACME Directories:

Irene opens the project ACME Directories. It already contains two app projects:

  • Customer Database

  • Partners & Suppliers

Now Irene wants to add the app project Employee Database: She opens the context menu (right-click on the empty workspace) and selects the option Import Model:

The name and ID of the imported model are displayed in the first lines of the import window:

The import analysis shows that the import file contains new models only. So Irene will not overwrite any contents of the ACME Directory project. She starts the import:

After importing, the app project is initially not visible in the ACME Directory:

Irene uses the search to find her import. She then drags the app project from the search hit list to the work area:

For helpful tips on using the global search, refer to Searching in BPaaS Editor.

The app project element for Irene's import is created on the workspace. Via this element she now has access to the imported model at any time:

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