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Roles are designed for use in Scheer PAS BPaaS. BPaaS designers use roles in EPC models to create approval workflows where designated user groups are only allowed to execute specific process steps instead of the whole process. Roles can be created in the Scheer PAS BPaaS editor during modelling as well as in the Scheer PAS Administration. However, roles can only be managed using your Scheer PAS Administration: In Menu Roles you can create, rename and translate roles. The Administration is also the only place where administrators can assign roles to users.

Further information about the design of role-based apps can be found in chapter Role-based Authorization Concept.

Menu "Roles"

Menu Roles allows to create new roles and to edit existing ones.

The Roles menu provides you with two options:

  • Roles

  • Add Role

Choose option Roles in the sidebar menu to display the list of existing roles in the content area. The list shows the following information for every role:

  • Name

  • Activated (Yes/No)

Use the filter to limit the content of the list.

Selecting Add Role in the sidebar menu, an empty role data sheet opens:

The Role Data Sheet

For every role one data sheet is created, containing the following sections:

  1. Master Data

  2. User

  3. Translations

  4. Meta

Master Data

In the Master Data section, the basic data of a role is managed:

Role active: The checkbox Role active indicates, if the role has been activated. Default is active. Only active roles can be used in Scheer PAS BPaaS.

Name: While creating a new role, field Name is mandatory. In this field, the technical name of the role is defined. If you want to use different display names in Scheer PAS BPaaS, use window Translations.

Description: You can insert an explanatory description of your role in this field.


In the User window, the role can be assigned to all users who are to be able to execute process steps limited to this role:

Assign: By clicking the Assign button, the list of available users will open. From the list, choose the users you want to assign to this role.


Use window Translations to insert a display name for the role:

Clicking button Edit Translations will show the fields German, English and French:

The names inserted in those fields will be shown in Scheer PAS BPaaS according to the language selected for the BPaaS user interface.


The role's meta data is automatically created along with the new role. Meta data cannot be modified. The following meta data is displayed for every role:

  • UUID: The UUID allows to identify the role.

  • Created at: Contains the creation date of the role.

  • Modified at: Contains the date of the last modification.

  • Modified by Contains another UUID which allows to identify the last editor of the role.

The content of section Meta is for documentation purposes only: meta data cannot be changed.

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