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Form Combinations

Permissible Form Combinations in EPCs

Forms always have to be attached to a function. When modeling an EPC you may use the following form combinations:

Please note that since PAS 23.2 the Scheer PAS Mobile App is no longer available in the app stores.

One function with one responsive form: The process step can only be executed in a browser.


One function with one mobile form: The process step can only be executed on a mobile device with Scheer PAS Mobile App installed.


One function with one responsive and one mobile form: The process step can be executed in a browser and on a mobile device. The Scheer PAS Mobile App must be available on the mobile device.


One function with multiple mobile forms: The process step can only be executed on a mobile device, which has Scheer PAS Mobile App installed.


One function with one responsive and multiple mobile forms: The process step can be executed in a browser and on a mobile device. The Scheer PAS Mobile App must be available on the mobile device.


Overview models should contain only a simple EPC with overview form.


The following content is allowed:

EPC with a responsive overview form: The overview can only be opened in a browser.


EPC with a mobile overview form: The overview can only be opened on a mobile device with Scheer PAS Mobile App installed.


EPC with one responsive and one mobile overview form: The overview can be opened in a browser and on a mobile device. The mobile device must have Scheer PAS Mobile App available.


Editing Forms

If you want to edit a Responsive Form, open it via double click. Responsive Forms are edited in the Forms Editor (see chapter Creating Forms for further details:

For Mobile Forms a separate editor is available. 

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