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Reading the Designer Logs

If you want to read the logs, open the Logging menu and select the namespace for which you want to see the log:


The selected namespace is highlighted in color and section Logs is displayed. You can use the Export button on top to export the logs into a csv file:

Filtering the Log Entries

Logs may contain big amounts of data and in these cases it may be difficult to find the piece of information you are looking for. Therefore, you can filter the log entries by

  • Username

  • Model Name

  • Event Actions

  • Start Date

  • End Date

Filter Element




The user that triggered the event.

  • Select the name of the user from the drop-down list. Start entering the name to narrow down the content of the list.


Model Name

Name of the model that the event occured on. Field can be empty.

  • Select the model name from the drop-down list. Start entering the name to narrow down the content of the list.


Event Actions

The action that occured.

  • Select one of the events from the drop-down list.


Start Date

Select the period for which you want to inspect the logs, beginning with a start date.

  • To enter the date, you can use a date picker next to the input field. Upon opening the logging tab, Start Date is set to (today - 7 days).

today -7 days

End Date

Select the period for which you want to inspect the logs, ending with an end date.

  • To enter the date, you can use a date picker next to the input field. Upon opening the logging tab, End Date is set to (tomorrow).


Click Search to update the displayed logging information.
Click Reset to restore the default (all search filters are cleared, start and end date will be set to the default).

The filter settings will be reset to default as soon as you leave the Logging tab and also if you switch to the logging of another namespace.

The Search Results

The results according to your search conditions are displayed in a paged list. Use the navigation bar at the bottom to manage the log list:

  • You can define the number of log entries you want to show (10/25/50/100).

  • Use the buttons to navigate through the list.

The log list shows the following information:

  • Username

  • Event Actions

  • Model Name

  • Event Object Details

  • Date

Below the log list section View Details is displayed:

Click View Details to display the whole log information of a log list entry:

The details show the entire JSON data logged to the database.

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