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Importing APIs

Instead of creating an API, you can also import an API from the PAS Administration.

The PAS Administration lists all services that are running on the platform (refer to Administrating the Platform Components in the Administration Guide for details). In the details view of a service, the endpoints of the service are displayed. Use option Import API to import the corresponding endpoint in API Management:


The creation wizard will open and you can choose one of your organizations:

Click Next to continue.

Name and Version are already filled. You can change these settings and also enter a description for the imported API. Click Next to continue:

The Summary displays all details of the API. The settings of the API such as Endpoint, Definition URL, Definition Type and API Type will be filled with the corresponding information.
Click Create API to finish the import:

After a successful import, the Settings tab of the API details page will open. You can now continue to configure your imported API.

Refer to API Settings for an overview on all configuration options of an API.

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