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apply Statement

apply operationName (element [, additionalParameter]) to destinationArrayName
Applies an EAL or Class operation (operationName) to each element of an array (destinationArrayName).
element is a keyword and denotes any single element of destinationArrayName.
SubstitutablesoperationNameCan be any EAL or class operation name.
anArray, destinationArrayNameCan be any variable or object attribute having the type Array.
set changedElements = apply concat(element, "_x") to inputContainer.myList;
set normalizedElements = apply normalizeSpaces(element) to inputContainer.myList;
apply element.calculateAmmount() to exchangesList;

Example File (Builder projects E2E Action Language/Array and Basic Modeling/ClassOperation):

<your example path>\E2E Action Language\Array\uml\arrayApply.xml
<your example path>\Basic Modeling\ClassOperation\uml\callClassOperations.xml

This example shows how to append _x to each element of the attribute array myList. Subsequently, it normalizes the spaces of each myList string.

Figure:apply Example

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