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Thread Adapter Reference


Action <<CreateThread>>

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values
threadIDStringoutFor every thread a distinct ID is automatically generated.any string

The createThread action has no default input parameters, you can define as many input parameters as needed.

Action <<BlockThread>>

NameTypeDirectionMandatoryDescriptionAllowed Values
timeIntegerin(tick)Specify a period of time in seconds defining the sleep time.any integer
highResolutionTimeIntegerin(tick)Specify a period of time in milliseconds defining the sleep time.any integer

Specify either time or highResolutionTime or both. If you do not specify any of the two, an exception "Sleep time is missing" will be thrown during execution of the service.

Action <<WaitForThread>>

NameTypeDirectionMandatoryDescriptionAllowed Values
threadIDStringin(tick) The distinct ID of the thread.any string
timeoutIntegerin(error)Specify a period of time in milliseconds defining the thread timeout.any integer

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