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Using JavaScript

When creating class operations to your own data model in the Implementation folder, you can select from the following different types of implementation:

  • JavaScript: The usage of JavaScript is explained on this page.

  • Action Script: For more information about the usage of Action Script refer to Using Action Script.

  • Mapping Diagram: Refer toModeling Data Mapping for more information about mapping diagrams.

  • Activity Diagram: You can implement class operations by a UML activity diagram. Refer to Modeling Activities for more information on activity diagrams.

In the Designer, you can use JavaScript operations to effectively write the function body of a (synchronous) JavaScript function.

Please note that await syntax is not supported in synchronous JavaScript functions.

Creating an Operation Using JavaScript

Via Quick Action

The fastest way to create an JavaScript operation is via the quick actions of the related class. Hover over the class you want to add the operation to, and use quick action Add JavaScript Operation:

Assign a name to your new JavaScript and click Save:


The JavaScript editor opens in a new tab:


You can now add JavaScript. Your entered JavaScript is saved and validated in the background:

Expert Advice

Use option Go to documentation to jump to the documentation for detailed information about the usage of JavaScript in the Designer:


This documentation contains helpful basic information such as

Via the Context Menu

Alternatively, you can add a class operation via the context menu of a class, and create an implementation afterwards. Right-click the class you want to add an operation to and select Add Operation from the context menu:

The dialog Add Operation opens. Select JavaScript from the drop-down list, enter a name for the operation and click Save:


The new operation has been added to the class. The JavaScript Editor opens automatically in a new Designer tab, and you can start entering JavaScript (see above):


Refer to Working with the JavaScript Editor for detailed information.

Once the operation has been created, you can use the quick actions and the context menu to manage it:

You can:

  • add parameters

    • in

    • out

    • return

  • add a suboperation

  • open the implementation of the JavaScript

  • change the implementation from JavaScript to Action Script, activity diagram or mapping diagram

  • cut the JavaScript operation

  • copy the JavaScript operation

  • paste the JavaScript operation (available if Copy or Cut option have been used before)

  • rename the JavaScript operation

  • delete the JavaScript operation

Refer to Implementation and Modeling Data Structures for more information on your options.

Attributes of a JavaScript Operation

Select a JavaScript operation in the Implementation folder of the service panel to display its attributes in the Attributes panel. You can also edit them there:



Possible Values / Example


Click here to change the Name of the related element.

JavaScript operation names must follow certain naming rules. They

  • must not contain blanks

  • must not start with a number

  • must not contain special characters



If you want to insert or change a description for the respective JavaScript operation, click here to open a text editor where you can enter and format your text.

Is static

Specify if the operation is static (default) or not.

  • Static JavaScript operations can be called without creating an instance of the related class. They get all necessary data via their input parameters.

  • Wanting to call a non-static JavaScript operation, you need to create a local instance of the related class, and call the operation on that object. This is called this Context.

For more information, also refer to Adding Operation Calls.


The JavaScript operation is static (default) and can be used outside the context of the related class.


The JavaScript operation is non-static and needs a self object as an input.


Via Add Stereotype, you can add a stereotype to a JavaScript operation.
By adding a stereotype, you can extend the attributes of a JavaScript operation with additional properties.



Click here to download a simple example model that shows how you can use JavaScript in Scheer PAS Designer.

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