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REST Schema Object

This page explains the REST Import Rules in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to OpenAPI Import Rules in the Designer guide.

Schema objects can be defined inline or be a reference to an object of the definitions list.

A class is created for each schema object that is not a base type or array. If the schema object is in the definitions list, the key is used as class name instead a unique name is created using the path to the schema object (E.g.: "UserList_Items", "users_GET_response" ...).

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$ref(tick)A reference to a schema defined in the definitions list. the schema object is replaced by the definition.

The type of the object.

  • integer: base type Integer is used.
  • number: base type Float is used.
  • boolean: base type Boolean is used.
  • string: type depends on the format.
    • byte: base type Blob is used.
    • date-time: base type DateTime is used.
    • otherwise base type String is used.
  • array: if used as type of a parameter the parameter will be an <<E2EArray>> and the class of items is used as arrayElement. If used as type of a property, the class of items is used and the multiplicity is set to 0..*.
  • object: A class is created and properties are created regarding the allOf and properties values.

If type is not given at all, and the definition has no properties, it will be imported as urn:Base Types.Any.

format(tick)The format of the object is used to be more specific when the type is string.
items(tick)The item is a schema object to defined the type of element in the array. Only used if type is array.
allOf(tick)List of schema object. The resulting class will contain all properties of all listed schema objects.
properties(tick)List of properties. Each property is define by a name and a schema object. A property is created on the resulting class for each properties defined.
additionalProperties(error)This should allow to define a map/dictionary.
xml(error)Adds additional metadata to describe the XML representation format of this property.
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