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logTo() Function

To write log messages to the standard log of the xUML service using a custom logger configuration, use the logTo() function. It provides the same functionality as the Logger Adapter.

To use the standard logger configuration, use the log() Function.


logTo(channel, level, message)
logTo(channel, level, message, details)


Write a message to the standard log of the xUML service using a custom logger configuration.

Valid log levels are: Fatal, Error, Warning, Info, and Debug as described in the log level guidelines on xUML Service Log Levels.



Log channel the message will be logged to.


String literals Fatal, Error, Warning, Info, or Debug.


String literal, usually containing the error description.


(Optional) Object of complex type (class or array) that contains additional details. The contents of this object will be flattened and appended to the description.


Custom Logger Configuration:

Error Detail Object:

  "element": "AF-1201",
  "value": "Adapter" 

Log Statement:

logTo("Channel_Custom", "Error",
      "Stock_Synchronization/SYNC001: Item ID could not be found.", errorDetail);

Content of the Log File According to Defined Formatter (Class):

2020-06-25 Stock_Synchronization/SYNC001: Item ID could not be found. Detail: e2e:type='ErrorDetail', element='AF-1201', value='Adapter'

Content of the Log File (Array):

... Detail: e2e:type='ErrorDetail', [0].element='AF-1201', [0].value='Adapter', [1].element='CD-2000', [1].value='Connector'

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