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JavaMail Library Reference

Folder Handling

Operations expecting a folderPath argument will treat this the following way:

Folder PathDescription Example

This is interpreted as meaning the <Inbox> folder.

path beginning with / This is interpreted as a path from the mail connections root folder./Archive/Orders
path not beginning with /

This is interpreted as a relative path to the <Inbox> folder, so translates to /<Inbox>/Archive/Orders.


The intention of this behavior is to abstract away the fact that <Inbox> has many different names depending on the connection, i.e. IMAP typically uses INBOX, Exchange calls it Inbox, and a German Exchange calls it Posteingang.

Also note that POP3 does not support folders other than <Inbox>. Hence when you specify a POP3 connection, folderPath parameters other than NULL will raise an exception.



Optional: IPgpKeyProvider Implementation

For PGP decryption to work, be sure to register your implementation of IPgpKeyProvider (see Keys and Certificates). If not provided, PGP encrypted messages will still be retrieved, with two attachments that contain the encrypted message information.

connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).
flagsReadFlagsinSpecify an instance of ReadFlags to set some mail reading flags.
folderPathStringinSpecify a path to a folder to read from. See note regarding folder handling.


Optional: IPgpKeyProvider Implementation

For PGP decryption to work, be sure to register your implementation of IPgpKeyProvider (see Keys and Certificates). If not provided, PGP encrypted messages will still be retrieved, with two attachments that contain the encrypted message information.

connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).
flagsReadFlagsinSpecify an instance of ReadFlags (see below).
folderPathStringinSpecify a path to a folder to read from. See note regarding folder handling.
filterFilterinSpecify an instance of Filter containing the filter criteria.


connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inProvide a previously received mail object.


connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).

Array of ReceivedMail

inProvide an array previously received mail object.


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify a path to a folder to delete from. See note regarding folder handling.



Specify an instance of Filter containing the filter criteria.

If no filter criteria are set, i.e. if you provide an empty filter, all messages will be deleted.

affectedMessagesIntegeroutReturns the number of deleted messages.

This might be lower than the total number of messages matching the filter if that number is huge, as mail servers may restrict the maximum number of messages processed in one call. If you want to be sure that all messages matching the filter are actually deleted, call this operation in a loop until affectedMessages becomes 0.


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).
mailReceivedMailinProvide an array previously received mail object.



Specify a path to a specific sub-folder to move the message to. See note regarding folder handling.

POP3 connections will cause an exception to be thrown here, as POP3 does not support the concept of folders.



connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inPrepare a mail object to send.


Requires IPgpKeyProvider Implementation

For PGP encryption to work, be sure to register your implementation of IPgpKeyProvider (see Keys and Certificates).

ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).



inPrepare a mail object to send.



inSpecify one of the encryption modes.


Apply encryption when PGP keys can be retrieved (see Keys and Certificates), otherwise do not apply any encryption.


Apply encryption when PGP keys can be retrieved, otherwise throw an exception.


Do not apply any encryption (default, same behavior as sendMessage()).


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the parent folder. See note regarding folder handling.NULLList folders below <Inbox>.
\List folders below root folder.
a pathList folders below given path.
foldersArray of Stringreturn

Returns a recursive list of sub-folder paths.

  • orders
  • orders/incoming
  • orders/incoming/accepted


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the folder to check. See note regarding folder handling.orders/outgoing

Returns if the given folder is existent on the mail server.

trueFolder exists.
falseFolder does not exist.


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the  folder to be created. See note regarding folder handling.orders/outgoing


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connectionConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the  folder to be deleted recursively. See note regarding folder handling.
  • orders/incoming/accepted
    Delete folder accepted from folder incoming.
  • orders
    Delete folder orders and all sub-folders and contents.


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
keyStoreLocationStringinSpecify the path to the  keystore file.opt/bridge/crypto/mailservercerts.jks


inSpecify the password of the keystore.


to be discontinued

Future versions of the library will rely on setPgpKeyProvider() solely (see below), this operation will disappear. Until then it is still required if you want to verify signatures of unencrypted emails.

ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
keyRingLocationStringinSpecify the path to the  keyring file.opt/bridge/crypto/pubkeys.asc


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
providerIPgpKeyProviderinInstance of a class implementing the IPgpKeyProvider interface



Attribute NameTypeDescriptionAllowed Values
debugBooleanSpecify whether to write additional debug information to the bridgeserver log.trueAdditional debug information is written to the bridgeserver log.
falseNo additional logs (default).
exchangeVersionStringSpecify the Microsoft Exchange version (optional).2007_SP1 Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1
2010Exchange 2010
2010_SP1Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1
2010_SP2Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2 and higher (default)
hostStringSpecify the host name/IP address of the mail server.a valid host name or IP address

for exchange connections this can be left NULL, triggering Autodiscover (which might fail)

for  office365 connections this is ignored

microsoftOnlineCredentialsObjectSpecify OAuth login credentials for Microsoft Online connectionsa valid set of credentialseither this or usernamePasswordCredentials must be set
portIntegerSpecify the port of the mail server (optional)a valid port numberIf omitted (NULL), the standard port for the chosen protocol and security is used.

Specify the protocol used for e-mail retrieval and storage.
Values are not case sensitive.

imapUse the IMAP protocol.
imapsUse IMAP over SSL.
pop3Use POP3.
smtpUse the SMTP protocol.
smtpsUse the SMTPS protocol.
exchangeUse Exchange Web Service (EWS) API with a hosted Exchange Server
office365Use Exchange Web Service (EWS) API with a Office 365 Server (will ignore host).

Specify the encryption.
Values are not case sensitive.

exchange and office365 protocols ignore this setting and use ssl anyway.

noneNo encryption used.
exchange and office365 protocol (see attribute protocol) use SSL in any case, this cannot be overridden.

Use SSL encryption. 


Use TLS encryption.
exchange and office365 protocol (see attribute protocol) use SSL in any case, this cannot be overridden.

Make sure to pick imap, pop3, or smtp with this setting, not imaps, pop3s, or smtps.

timeoutSecondsIntegerSpecify the number of seconds after which a request (send or receive) times out.

any positive integer

Default is 0, which translates to the following defaults:

  • infinite timeout for imap(s), pop3(s), and smtp(s)
  • 100 seconds for exchange
usernamePasswordCredentialsObjectSpecify the user's credentialsa valid set of credentialseither this or microsoftOnlineCredentials must be set
verifyHostBooleanSpecify whether for SSL connections the mail server host shall be verified or not (optional).trueVerify the mail server's SSL certificate (default, see also security).
falseDo not verify the mail server.
Username and Password Credentials
StringSpecify the user account on the mail server.a valid user name
Some SMTP servers allow unauthorized sending, in these cases you may leave it as NULL.
StringSpecify the user's password.a valid password
Some SMTP servers allow unauthorized sending, in these cases you may leave it as NULL.
Microsoft Online Credentials (only applicable to office365 protocol)
Stringclient id of your app registration

For details on registering EWS access via OAuth please follow the steps as outlined here:

Make sure to follow the path for "app-only authentication"

Stringclient secret of your app registration
Stringtenant id of your microsoft online organization
Stringname (email address) of the mailbox you want to impersonatea valid email address
Provide the email address of the mailbox you want to interact with (e.g. read messages from)

Proxy Settings (only applicable to HTTP based connections, i.e. exchange or office365 protocol)

proxy.hostStringSpecify the host name/IP address of the proxy server.a valid host name or IP address
proxy.portIntegerSpecify the port of the proxy server.a valid port number
proxy.domainStringSpecify the user domain on the proxy server (optional). Some Windows-based proxy servers might require this for authentication.a valid ActiveDirectory domain name
proxy.userStringSpecify the user account on the proxy server (optional).a valid user
proxy.passwordStringSpecify the user's password (optional).a valid password


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionAllowed ValuesComment

Specify a limit for the number of messages to be returned.

If you do not provide a filter as parameter, it makes sense to provide a meaningful limit, as the complete result set will be kept in memory.

any positive integer

Default is NULL, meaning no limit is imposed.

deleteOnServerBooleanSpecify whether successfully read messages will automatically be deleted on the server.true

Delete messages on server after successful read. Messages that cannot be read successfully will not be deleted.

falseDo not delete messages on server (default).
markAsReadBooleanSpecify whether successfully read messages will automatically be marked as read on the server.true

Mark messages as read on server after successful read. Messages that cannot be read successfully will not be marked read.

falseDo not mark messages read on server (default).
withContentBooleanSpecify whether the message body (HTML and/or plain text) should be populated.truePopulate message body.
falseMessage body is empty (default).
withAttachmentsBooleanSpecify whether attachments should be retrieved.trueRetrieve attachments.
falseDo not retrieve attachments (default).
withEmbeddedMailsBooleanSpecify whether attachments with mime type message/rfc822 should be retrieved as embedded messages. Requires withAttachments to be true to have an effect.trueRetrieve attachments with mime type message/rfc822 as embedded messages.
falseDo not retrieve attachments with mime type message/rfc822 as embedded messages, but as regular attachments (default).
withHeadersBooleanSpecify whether messaging headers should be populated.truePopulate messaging headers.
falseMessaging headers are empty (default).
withRawContentsBooleanSpecify whether the raw message source should be retrieved.true

Retrieve raw message source.

This is similar to "view source" on most email clients, hence the output can be huge.

falseDo not retrieve raw message source (default).
verifySignaturesBooleanSpecify whether for any signed messages a verification of the signature should be attempted.true

Verify signature.

To successfullly verify PGP signatures, a public key ring must be provided with the connection parameter.

falseDo not verify signature (default).


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionAllowed Values
unreadOnlyBooleanSpecify whether only unread messages should be returned.trueReturn unread messages only.
falseReturn all messages (default).

Specify the beginning of a date range that should be used to retrieve messages (see also toTimestamp below).

Make sure that fromTimestamp and toTimestamp do not contradict each other as this is not checked.

any DateTime

Specify the end of a date range that should be used to retrieve messages (see also fromTimestamp below).

Make sure that fromTimestamp and toTimestamp do not contradict each other as this is not checked.

any DateTime

Specify a filter substring for the email subject. Only messages containing this string as a literal substring are returned.

subjectSubstring is case sensitive.

any String with printable characters (case sensitive)

Specify a dedicated sender you want to retrieve messages from. Only message sent from this address are returned

any valid email address (case insensitive)
senderRegexStringSpecify a regex filter to be applied to the mail sender. Only messages with the sender matching the filter expression are returned.any valid regular expression (Java style)

Specify a regex filter to be applied to the mail subject. Only messages with the subject matching the filter expression are returned.

any valid regular expression (Java style)

Specify a regex filter to be applied to the mail attachments. Only messages with at least one attachment's name matching the filter expression are returned.

Make sure that you are using withAttachments = true when reading the mails (see ReadFlags).

any valid regular expression (Java style)


ReceivedMail inherits from Mail, so contains all attributes of Mail plus a few more.

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values
senderStringContains the email address of the sender.
toRecipientsArray of StringContains an array of TO recipient's email addresses.
ccRecipientsArray of StringContains an array of CC recipient's email addresses.
bccRecipientsArray of StringContains an array of BCC recipient's email addresses.
subjectStringContains the email subject.
attachmentsArray of Attachment

Contains an array of email attachments.

If this is not populated, you may have set withAttachments = false when reading the mails (see ReadFlags).


Contains the plain text message if available.

Mime messages may contain HTML, Plain Text, or both.


Contains the HTML message if available.

Mime messages may contain HTML, Plain Text, or both.

idStringContains the unique ID of the message within a folder on the mail server.
receiveDateDateTimeContains a timstamp indicating when the message arrived on the server.
sentDateDateTimeContains a timstamp indicating when the message has been sent.
headersArray of MailHeader

Contains an array of internet email headers.

If this is not populated, you may have set withHeaders = false when reading the mails (see ReadFlags).

embeddedMailsArray of ReceivedMail

Contains an array of nested/embedded mail objects (attached email messages, e.g. .eml or .msg attachments).

If this is not populated, you may have set withAttachments = false when reading the mails (see ReadFlags).

receiveStatusMailReceiveStatusContains detailed information about the receive status of the email.
folderStringContains the folder the message was read from.NULL<Inbox>.
folder pathThe folder path below <Inbox>.
signedBooleanContains the signing status of the message.trueMessage is signed.
falseMessage is not signed.

Contains the encryption status of the message.

detection is supported, however receiveStatus.success will always be false, as decryption is not yet supported

trueMessage is encrypted.
falseMessage is not encrypted.
signatureVerificationResultSignatureVerificationResultContains detailed information about the verification of signatures.


Contains the raw message.

If this is not populated, you may have set withRawContents = false when reading the mails (see ReadFlags).


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values
binaryBooleanIndicates whether binaryContent or stringContent is used.trueAttachment contents canl be found in, or shall be taken from, binaryContent.
falseAttachment contents can/shall be found in, or shall be taken from, stringContent.
filenameStringThe filename of the attachment.
  • can be NULL

Sending Messages

This is the name of the file as you want it to appear at the recipient's side, or vice versa.

Do not provide a local file name here and expect the library to load the attachment from that file. Use the File System Adapter instead, and provide the attachment as binary blob content (see binaryContent).


Contains the binary content.

any Blob

Either one of binaryContent or stringContent is provided, depending on binary.

Contains the non-binary content.

any String

Either one of binaryContent or stringContent is provided, depending on binary.

mimeTypeStringContains the mime type (content type) of the attachment.

any valid MIME content-type, e.g. text/plain, image/png, application/octet-stream etc.

mimeType is unreliable upon receiving emails, i.e. can be NULL. Especially when reading from Exchange servers using exchange or office365 connections.

contentIdStringThe content id of the attachment, a unique id across all attachments of the same message.When set to e.g. myUniqueId, you can refer to this attachment from HTML message content like <img src="cid:myUniqueId">
inlineBooleanControls whether the attachment is flagged with the corresponding content disposition tag.trueAttachment is flagged, and will be displayed inline within a HTML message.
falseAttachment is not flagged.


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values

Returns whether the entire message could be read with all requested attributes (see ReadFlags).

A message will not be deleted if success is false - regardless of what has been specified with deleteOnServer (see ReadFlags).

trueMessage could be read with all requested attributes.

Message could not be read or some requested attributes are missing.


Returns whether the message has been deleted after retrieval.

A message will not be deleted if success is false - regardless of what has been specified with deleteOnServer (see ReadFlags).

trueMessage has been deleted.

Message has not been deleted.


Returns whether the message has been marked as read after retrieval.

A message will not be marked as read if success is false - regardless of what has been specified with markAsRead (see ReadFlags).

trueMessage has been marked as read.

Message has not been marked as read.

errorMessageStringReturns further information on the issue if success is false.
stacktraceArray of StringReturns a stacktrace if the problem was caused by an unexpected Java exception.
protocolArray of StringReturns the steps performed while receiving the message as a protocol. This can give a hint in case of problems.


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values
verifiedBooleanReturns whether the signature is valid or not.trueMessage signature is valid.

Message signature is invalid, or no verification has been requested (see verifySignatures in ReadFlags).

errorMessageStringReturns details of a failed verification.


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values
nameStringName of the header.
valueStringValue of the header.


Attribute NameTypeDescription

Provide the email address of the sender.

Sending Messages

Some email servers (especially Exchange servers) require this to be the address of the user specified in the connection. They will raise an imposter exception if this is not the case.

toRecipientsArray of StringProvide an array of TO recipient's email addresses.
ccRecipientsArray of StringProvide an array of CC recipient's email addresses.
bccRecipientsArray of StringProvide an array of BCC recipient's email addresses.
subjectStringProvide the email subject.
attachmentsArray of AttachmentProvide an array of email attachments.

Provide a plain text message if applicable.

Mime messages allow for multipart/alternative parts. If you specify both plainTextContent and htmlTextContent, the JavaMail library will send both as a multipart/alternative when connecting via SMTP.
EWS does not allow this. So, when sending through Exchange, the library will pick the HTML content if provided.


Provide an HTML message if applicable.

Mime messages allow for multipart/alternative parts. If you specify both plainTextContent and htmlTextContent, the JavaMail library will send both as a multipart/alternative when connecting via SMTP.
EWS does not allow this. So, when sending through Exchange, the library will pick the HTML content if provided.

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