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Error Handling App Execution

Errors may occur when running apps. To facilitate troubleshooting, Scheer PAS BPaaS displays appropriate error and notification messages in responsive forms. We have compiled an overview of the possible information and error messages in BPaaS forms on this page. All displayed tables can be searched.

Overview of User Notifications and Execution Error Messages


Possible Reasons


Further Information

<> is not a function

Faulty JavaScript code.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model (workers and functions) for errors.

assignment to undeclared variable <xxx>

The variable <xxx> is used in the JavaScript code, but not defined correctly.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model (workers and functions) for errors.

Cannot read property <xxxx> of undefined

Faulty JavaScript code.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model (workers and functions) for errors.

container is not defined in Worker <xxx>

The worker code starts with a declaration.

  • Contact a BPaaS design user who can change the worker code.

  • Worker code must not begin with a declaration.

Could not clearly identify the next process step as several steps are available. Check your event constraints or use an 'AND' connector to start parallel execution.

  • Incorrect condition check.

  • Modeling error (missing connector in EPC).

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.

Could not find any form to display data.

No form has been modeled in the process, for example because only workers are executed. Therefore, it is not possible to display data.

  • Switch to the overview or close the tab using the Cancel button.

  • Contact a PAS design user who can check the model for errors.

Could not find any next process step.

The next process step cannot be clearly determined.

Condition checks were not defined correctly.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the model for errors.

Could not find any previous process step.

The previous process step cannot be clearly determined.

  • Contact a PAS design user who can check the model for errors.

  • Check in particular whether process steps were deleted.


Could not find any Process App 'Create'.

An overview tile has been created for your role, but no Process App - Create tile. Therefore you are note able to open instances from the overview.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the model for errors and create new tiles.

Role-based Authorization Concept

Could not find any Process App 'Overview'.

A Process App - Create tile has been created for your role, but no overview tile. It is therefore not possible to switch to the overview.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the model for errors and create new tiles.

Role-based Authorization Concept

Could not load instance.

You are not able to open the clicked instance because it has been deleted by another user in the meantime.

Reload the page. The instance is then no longer displayed in the search overview.

Saving and Deleting Instances

Currently no further modification is required by your role. The data of your last allowed step is displayed. Changes are not possible.

You are working in an app with parallel execution. You have executed all the steps that you could perform with your role at this point.

Wait until your colleagues have completed all other parallel process steps. Further processing of the instance is only possible when the process steps of the other branches have also been completed.

AND Branching

(internalInfo: 'Unauthorized, parameters:{}')

The user lacks event permissions.

Contact a PAS design user who can check which events are called at the relevant point in the model. A system administrator can then check whether the user can/must be given authorization for the relevant event.

Administrating BPaaS

Error creating the task
(Relay: SAP Integration will be executed elsewhere)

The SAP integration cannot be executed without errors.

Contact a BPaaS design user or administrator who can verify the connection to the external data source (SAP system or else).

Integration externer Datenquellen

Error in sub epc

An error has occurred in a sub-EPC.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.

Integration externer Datenquellen

Error in sub epc
Error creating the task
Relay: Integration: XXX will be executed elsewhere

Special case:
In the model an integration is used which cannot be executed correctly.

Contact a PAS design user. He or she must check whether the WorkerGroupId is set backend for workers who process data after integration.

Error sending email: "Cannot read property 'fullUrl' of undefined"

An email could not be sent because an attachment defined using placeholders does not contain a file under the specified Field Name in Container.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPK model for errors. The correct Field Name in Container for the attachment must be specified.

Error sending email: "No recipients defined"

An email could not be sent because no recipients were entered or the recipients could not be determined.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.

Error while loading transitive closure for process app <xxx>

You deleted an app while in another browser tab the corresponding execution (Process App - Create or Process App - Overview) were still open.

Close the browser tab containing the app execution. As the corresponding app has been deleted, you will not be able to open the execution again.

Error while saving:
Cannot read property 'payload' of undefined.

The form of the relevant process step contains form fields whose field labels contain forbidden special characters ($ * + ? . ( ) [ ] { } / \ | ^).

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.

Error: xhr poll error

Connection to a service cannot be established.

Contact the PAS support.

Execution model could not be loaded. Check if an execution model is assigned in the app settings.

A Process App could not be executed because no EPC model is assigned to it.

Contact a BPaaS design user who can assign the appropriate EPC model to the app project.

format is undefined

An invalid date format was entered.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.

Instances in process step functionName could not be loaded. This process step is deleted.

You are not able to open the selected instance because it is in a process step that has been deleted from the EPC in the meantime. The message contains the name and ID of the deleted process step.

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.


Problems with the internet connection occur.

Contact a system administrator.

MSG_SAVEINSTANCES_ERROR (internalInfo: 'Cannot read property 'payload' of undefined, parameters:{}')

The instance cannot be saved:

  • The same Field Name in Container was assigned in the container for different form elements.

  • The Field Name in Container of a form element contains forbidden special characters ($ * + ? . ( ) [ ] { } / \ | ^) or umlauts (ä, ö, ü).

Contact a PAS design user who can check the EPC model for errors.

MSG_SAVEINSTANCES_ERROR (internalInfo: 'noSavePermission')

The current user has no storage authorization.

Contact a PAS design user who can verify the permissions used in the model.

No Current Steps 
Currently no further modification is required by your role or you are not authorized to execute the current process step.

You are working in a parallel execution. Either you have processed all process steps of your role or you have reached a process step that is not released for your role.

  • Close the form.

  • It is possible to switch to the overview if if a corresponding button is available.

Permission Check

You are not authorized to execute the current process step.

Your role is not assigned to the current process step. You are therefore not allowed to execute the current step.

  • Close the form.

  • It is possible to switch to the overview if if a corresponding button is available.

Role-based Authorization Concept

ReadAllowed is false and there is no lastAllowedStep can not run the mainEpc model

The user does not have appropriate rights to execute the selected model.

Contact a system administrator who can customize the privileges of your user account.

The content of the following field(s) is invalid:

  • <field name>

A validation expression has been defined for the field <field name>. However, the entry does not correspond to this.

Enter the required content.

Validating Form Fields

The following mandatory field(s) must be filled:

  • <field name>

The field <field name> is a mandatory field and has not been filled in.

Make an entry in the relevant form field.

Form Elements

The process is finished for this instance. The data of the last process step is displayed. Changes are not possible.

The process reached the last process step. The last form is displayed in read-only mode.

  • Close the form.

  • It is possible to switch to the overview if if a corresponding button is available.

Formulare schließen

You are not authorized to execute the current process step. The data of your last allowed step is displayed. Changes are not possible.

The next process step is no longer released for your role.

  • Close the form.

  • It is possible to switch to the overview if if a corresponding button is available.

Role-based Authorization Concept

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.