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Transforming Data on an Object Flow

You can extract the value of a single attribute from a complex type object node respectively output pin, and transform the value to an input pin respectively an object node. This is done via the Get attribute in the attributes panel. It is applied directly on the object flow.


Select the corresponding object flow and specify the source of the transformation by entering it in the Get field of the attributes panel:

In the example above it extracts the value of the single attribute customerAddress.street from the complex type object node customerAddress, and transforms the value to the input pin changedStreet of the operation updateStreet.

Limitations of Attribute Get

Using the Get attribute it is only possible to access properties of complex types.

The following is not supported:

  • Multiple transformation flows to the same input pin.

  • Adding Action Script statements to the Get attribute.

  • Accessing single array elements, e.g. with myArray[0].

If you use multiple transformations to the same complex target, make sure that the target properties are unique for each transformation.

If two or more flows do change the same property, even indirectly, e.g. like customer.address and, the behavior is explicitly undefined.


Click here to download a simple example model that shows how to transform data on an object flow in Scheer PAS Designer.

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