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Folder Handling

Using the MailClient you can list folders, check their presence, as well as create and delete them:

Operations expecting a folderPath argument will treat this the following way:

Folder PathDescription Example

This is interpreted as meaning the <Inbox> folder.

path beginning with / This is interpreted as a path from the mail connections root folder./Archive/Orders
path not beginning with /

This is interpreted as a relative path to the <Inbox> folder, so translates to /<Inbox>/Archive/Orders.


The intention of this behavior is to abstract away the fact that <Inbox> has many different names depending on the connection, i.e. IMAP typically uses INBOX, Exchange calls it Inbox, and a German Exchange calls it Posteingang.

Also note that POP3 does not support folders other than <Inbox>. Hence when you specify a POP3 connection, folderPath parameters other than NULL will raise an exception.



ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connection(24.1) JavaMail Library Reference#ConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the parent folder. See note regarding folder handling.NULLList folders below <Inbox>.
\List folders below root folder.
a pathList folders below given path.
foldersArray of Stringreturn

Returns a recursive list of sub-folder paths.

  • orders
  • orders/incoming
  • orders/incoming/accepted


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connection(24.1) JavaMail Library Reference#ConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the folder to check. See note regarding folder handling.orders/outgoing

Returns if the given folder is existent on the mail server.

trueFolder exists.
falseFolder does not exist.


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connection(24.1) JavaMail Library Reference#ConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the  folder to be created. See note regarding folder handling.orders/outgoing


ParameterTypesDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
connection(24.1) JavaMail Library Reference#ConnectioninSpecify the Connection object defining the mail server connection parameters to use (see Mail Server Connection).


inSpecify the path to the  folder to be deleted recursively. See note regarding folder handling.
  • orders/incoming/accepted
    Delete folder accepted from folder incoming.
  • orders
    Delete folder orders and all sub-folders and contents.

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