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Configuring Overview Tables

The instance table of a newly created overview initially contains only one example column. The design user must use the column configuration to define the columns in which the data created will later be displayed. The designer is free to choose which data is to be displayed in the overview and under which column name.

  • For the data to be referenced correctly, the Field Name in Container of the relevant form element must be entered in the column Field Name in Container in the Column Configuration Editor.

  • If you did not specify a separate Field Name in Container for the form element, the element's name is also used as it's Field Name in Container.

  • During the column configuration, you can freely define the Column Name under which the data is displayed in the overview. It may differ from the Field Name in Container as well as from the element's name.

The instance table in an overview can only show one value per field.

Form Elements with Special Characteristics

Some form elements must be handled separately when configuring the overview table. These special cases are:

Form Editor

Form Element

Configuration Note

BPaaS Editor

Generally the contents of responsive form elements can also be displayed in a Mobile Overview.

During the configuration of your Mobile Overview, use the Field Name in Container of the responsive form elements.

Mobile Editor

Generally the contents of mobile form elements can also be displayed in a Responsive Overview.

During the configuration of your Responsive Overview, use the Field Name in Container of the mobile form elements.

Address (Mobile)

The form element Address only exists in the Mobile Editor. The field combines the following input fields in a single form element:

  • Street

  • Number

  • Zip

  • City

  • Country

Each of the input fields possesses its own Field Name in Container, which must be addressed in the overview.

You can display the Field Names in Container of the individual input fields in the properties of the Address element. To do this, click the question mark in the Fieldname in Container setting.

When configuring the overview table, add a new line for every input field of the Address element and enter the corresponding Field Name in Container.

This also applies to the configuration of a Mobile Overview.

The Camera Elements

There is a significant difference between the elements Camera and Camera (Mobile):

  • The responsive form element Camera stores only one image at a time. Only one value is stored in the container.

  • The mobile form element Camera (Mobile) can store several images. The values of the element are stored in the container as array.

When configuring an overview form, the values of these elements must therefore be addressed differently.


The element Camera saves one image. The value of the element can be displayed in the overview as image or as text:

  • Text (name): If you want to display the name of the uploaded file, you must add the extension .name to the Field Name in Container.

  • Text (url): You can also display the URL under which the content is saved in the container. In this case, add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container and choose column type text.

  • Image (url): If the value is to be displayed as an image, you must add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container and select image as column type.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying an Image from the responsive Camera Element "My Picture"

A form contains the Camera element My Picture with the Field Name in Container camera.

Two columns are defined in the responsive overview form:

  • Display as Text: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Display as Picture: Contains the entry camera.url and the column type image.

The camera element has been used to take a picture. The image is displayed in the Responsive Overview as follows:

  • Camera images are given a UUID as file name. So in column Display as Text, the UUID of the picture is displayed.

  • In Column Display as Picture the photo is shown as image.

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying an Image from the responsive Camera Element "My Picture"

The column type image in a Mobile Overview is configured to display the contents of an array only. As the responsive element Camera saves one image only, it's content cannot be displayed as image in a Mobile Overview. But you have two other options to show the content of the responsive Camera element:

  • File Name (name): If you want to display the name of the uploaded file, you must add the extension .name to the Field Name in Container.

  • File URL (url): You can also display the element's URL under which the picture is saved in the container. To do so, add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container.

In both cases use column type text.

In Mobile Apps, you can only access synchronized files/images if the option Make files available offline has been activated for the corresponding Mobile App - Overview element.

A form contains the Camera element My Picture with the Field Name in Container camera.

Two columns are defined in the Mobile Overview:

  • My Picture's Name: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • My Picture's URL: Contains the entry camera.url and the column type text.

The camera element has been used to take a picture. The image is displayed in the Mobile Overview as follows:

  • Camera images are given a UUID as file name. So in column My Picture's Name, the UUID of the picture is displayed.

  • In Column My Picture's URL the URL under which the picture is saved in the container is shown.

Camera (Mobile)

The element Camera (Mobile) can store any number of images, its values are therefore stored in the container as an array . In Mobile Overviews, the content of the array can be referenced directly with the element's Field Name in Container and column type image.

You have several options to display the contents of the Camera (Mobile) field in a Mobile Overview:

  • Text (name): If you want to display the name of a file, you must add the extension .name to the Field Name in Container. You also need to reference a specific value from the array, so the necessary syntax is

  • Text (url): If the link of an image is to be displayed, the Field Name in Container has the extension .url. You also need to reference a specific value from the array, so the necessary syntax is fieldNameInContainer.0.url

  • Image: If you simply want to show all the images taken with the Camera (Mobile) element, just enter the element's Field Name in Container and select the column type image.

For each image whose name or URL is to be displayed, a separate column must be created in the instance table.

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying an Image from the Camera (Mobile) Element "My Pictures"

In Mobile Apps, you can only access synchronized files/images if the option Make files available offline has been activated for the corresponding Mobile App - Overview element.

A mobile form contains the form element Camera (mobile) My Pictures with the Field Name in Container mobile.

In the Mobile Overview the content should be displayed as follows:

  • First Picture's Name should display the name of the first picture.
    The Field Name in Container is therefore:
    The selected column type is text.

  • First Picture's URL should display the URL of the first picture.
    The Field Name in Container is therefore:
    The selected column type is text.

  • My Pictures should display the captured photos.
    The Field Name in Container is therefore: mobile.
    The selected column type is image.

It is not necessary to specify the array value when using the column type image in a Mobile Overview.

The Mobile Overview now shows the content of the Camera (Mobile) element My Pictures as follows:

  • First Picture's Name shows the file name of the first image.

  • First Picture's URL displays the URL of the first image.

  • My Pictures shows all pictures stored in the element.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying an Image from the Camera (Mobile) Element "My Pictures"

The element Camera (Mobile) can store any number of images, its values are therefore stored in the container as an array .

However, in an instance table only one value can be displayed per table field. If you want to display the content of the Camera (Mobile) element in a Responsive Overview, you must specify which value from the array you want to show. We recommend that you reference the first value by default. The first value of an array is addressed with the number 0.

A mobile form contains the form element Camera (mobile) My Pictures with the Field Name in Container mobile.

Two columns are defined in the responsive overview form. Both should display the first image of the mobile camera element:

  • Display 1st Image as Text: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Display 1st Image as Picture: Contains the entry mobile.0.url and the column type image.

The form is executed on a mobile device, three pictures are taken. The data is then synchronized and transferred to the database.

The first image is displayed in the Responsive Overview:

  • In the column Display of 1st Image as Text the file name of the first image is displayed.

  • The photo is shown in column Display 1st Image as Picture.

Elements with Value Pairs

The content of some elements is not stored as a single value, but as a pair of values. This applies to the following elements:

  • Drop-down Field/Radio Button: These two elements provide possible values from which to select when filling out the form. Both form elements can contain value pairs: One value and one label per selection option.

  • Search Field references a list of possible values. The list is created in the container using JavaScript code. When an entry is made in the search field, the stored values are compared with the input and hits are displayed in a list.

  • In addition to the URL (url), a different label can be entered in a URL element (see section URL Field on this page for detailed information about the configuration of the URL element in an overview).

The contents of drop-down fields, radio buttons, search fields and URL fields are therefore always stored as value;label pairs, even if the designer has entered only one value or only one label. This special feature is described in detail in chapter Possible Values: Value and Label.

For the column configuration it is important to know that the keys of these form fields must be provided with the appropriate addition:

  • fieldNameInContainer.value

  • fieldNameInContainer.label

  • fieldNameInContainer.url (only for URL Field)

This logic applies to both the responsives and the mobile form elements. If you use the Column Wizard to configure the overview, the input for these elements is automatically enhanced by .label.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Form "Your Vote" with Radio Button "Approval" and Drop-down Field "Color"

Two form elements have been created in the form Your Vote :

  • The Radio Button Approval.

  • The Drop-down Field Color.

The Radio Button Approval contains the following possible values inserted as value pair:

  • 1;Yes

  • 2;No

The Drop-down Field Color contains the following possible values inserted as value pair:

  • 1;Blue

  • 2;Green

  • 3;Red

  • 4;Yellow

The overview should display the content of both elements and is configured as follows:

  • The column Approval is to display the labels.
    Therefore the Field Name in Container is set to Approval.label.

  • The column Color is to display the values.
    Therefore the Field Name in Container is set to Color.value.

The overview is executed and shows the label of the value pair saved in Approval.

In the column Color, the value of the value pair is referenced. Therefore 1, 2, 3 or 4 is displayed here.

If you use the Column Wizard to configure the overview, the input for drop-down fields and radio buttons is automatically enhanced by .label.

Display of the overview after the Field Name in Container has been changed to Color.label in the column configuration.

Example MOBILE Overview
Form "Your Vote" with Radio Button "Approval" and Drop-down Field "Color"

The overview should display the content of both elements and is configured as follows:

  • The column Approval is to display the labels.
    Therefore the Field Name in Container is set to Approval.label.

  • The column Color is to display the values.
    Therefore the Field Name in Container is set to Color.value.

The overview is executed on a mobile device and shows the label of the value pair saved in Approval.

In the column Color, the value of the value pair is referenced. Therefore 1, 2, 3 or 4 is displayed here.

Display of the Mobile Overview after the Field Name in Container has been changed to Color.label in the column configuration.

The Files Upload Elements

There is a small difference between the elements Files Upload and Files Upload (Mobile):

  • The responsive form element Files Upload allows the upload of multiple files. This field's content is saved as array.

  • The mobile form element Files Upload (Mobile) is also able to store multiple files and its values are also saved as array.
    But if the user is really able to upload more than one file depends on operating system of the used mobile device.

The content of both elements is an array of objects. However, in an instance table only one value can be displayed per table field. If you want to display several values (files) from the upload element in your instance table, you must specify which value(s) from the array you want to show. We recommend that you reference the first value by default. The first value of an array is addressed with the number 0.

There are three options to display the content of a Files Upload element:

  • Text (name): If you want to display the name of the uploaded file, you must add the extension .name to the Field Name in Container. Choose text as the column type.

  • Text (url): You can also display the URL under which the file is saved in the container. To do so, add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container and coose column type text.

  • Picture (url): If the file is to be displayed as an image, you must add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container. Select image, as column type in this case.

Files Upload

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying Files from the Responsive Element "Upload Your Documents"

A responsive form contains the Files Upload element Upload Your Documents with the Field Name in Container upload.

Three columns are defined in the responsive overview form:

  • Name File 1: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • URL File 2: Contains the entry upload.1.url and the column type text.

  • Image File 2: Contains the entry upload.1.url and the column type image.

The form is executed, two files will be uploaded:

  • The PDF file ACME Training Plan.pdf

  • The picture Irenes Avatar.png

The uploaded files are displayed in the Responsive Overview as follows:

  • In column Name File 1, the name of the PDF file is displayed (ACME Training Plan.pdf).

  • In Column URL File 2 the URL under which the file is saved in the container is shown.

  • In Column Image File 2 the picture Irenes Avatar.png is displayed.

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying Files from the Responsive Element "Upload Your Documents"

In Mobile Apps, you can only access synchronized files/images if the option Make files available offline has been activated for the corresponding Mobile App - Overview element.

A responsive form contains the Files Upload element Upload Your Documents with the Field Name in Container upload.

Three columns are defined in the Mobile Overview:

  • Name Doc 1: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • URL Doc 2: Contains the entry upload.1.url and the column type text.

  • Image Doc 2: Contains the entry upload and the column type image.

It is not necessary to specify the array value when using the column type image in a Mobile Overview.

The form is executed, two files will be uploaded:

  • The PDF file ACME Training Plan.pdf

  • The picture Irenes Avatar.png

The files are displayed in the Mobile Overview as follows:

  • Name Doc 1 shows the name of the PDF file (ACME Training Plan.pdf).

  • In line URL Doc 2 the URL under which the second file is saved in the container is shown.

  • In line Image Doc 2 for both files a picture is displayed. As the PDF file is not an image, the placeholder is grey.

Files Upload (Mobile)

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying Files from the Mobile Element "Your Mobile Upload"

In Mobile Apps, you can only access synchronized files/images if the option Make files available offline has been activated for the corresponding Mobile App - Overview element.

A mobile form contains the element Files Upload (Mobile) Your Mobile Upload with the Field Name in Container mobileUpload.

Three columns are defined in the Mobile Overview.
All columns reference the first file from the element Your Mobile Upload, because the designer cannot be sure that the user is able to upload more than one file on his device:

  • Mobile Doc Name: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Mobile Doc URL: Contains the entry mobileUpload.0.url and the column type text.

  • Mobile Doc Pic: Contains the entry mobileUpload and the column type image.

It is not necessary to specify the array value when using the column type image in a Mobile Overview.

During form execution, a photo has been uploaded to the mobile element Your Mobile Upload.

The file is displayed in the Mobile Overview as follows:

  • Mobile Doc Name shows the name of the file (image24.jpg).

  • In line Mobile Doc URL the URL under which the file is saved in the container is shown.

  • Mobile Doc Pic displays the picture.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying Files from the Mobile Element "Your Mobile Upload"

A mobile form contains the element Files Upload (Mobile) Your Mobile Upload with the Field Name in Container mobileUpload.

Three columns are defined in the responsive overview form.
All columns reference the first file from the element Your Mobile Upload, because the designer cannot be sure that the user is able to upload more than one file on his device:

  • Name Mobile File 1: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • URL Mobile File 1: Contains the entry mobileUpload.0.url and the column type text.

  • Image Mobile File 1: Contains the entry mobileUpload.0.url and the column type image.

During form execution, a photo has been uploaded to the mobile element Your Mobile Upload.

The file is displayed in the Responsive Overview as follows:

  • In column Name Mobile File 1, the name of the file is displayed (image24.jpg).

  • In Column URL Mobile File 1 the URL under which the file is saved in the container is shown.

  • In Column Image Mobile File 1 the picture is displayed.

File Upload

Deprecated with BPaaS 17.2

The use of the form element File Upload is no longer recommended. It has been replaced by the element Files Upload. Click on the following link to display information about the File Upload element anyway:

File Upload: Note on using the element in BPaaS up to version 17.1

The File Upload element allows you to upload one file, such as an image or a Word file, to a form. If you want to show the element's content in the overview, you have two options:

  • If the name of the uploaded file is to be displayed, you must add the extension .name to the Field Name in Container.

  • If you want the link to the uploaded file to be displayed, add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container.

Example: Display of an uploaded image in the overview

A form contains the File Upload element Passbild hochladen.

The overview shall contain the name of the uploaded image.

Therefore Passbild hochladen .name is entered in the column Field Name in Container.

During form execution the image PassbildBrigitteBeispiel.jpg is uploaded.

In the overview the name of the uploaded file is displayed.

After changing the field name in the container from to Passbild hochladen .url, the link under which the file is stored in the container is displayed in the overview.

If you are using the Column Wizard for the configuration of the overview, the addition .url is automatically added for a File Upload.

Process App Link (single)

The form element Process App Link (single) links to one instance of another app. Since an instance can consist of several values, you have to specify which values from the linked instance should be taken over.

In each field of an instance table, only one value can be displayed. If you want to display several values of an Process App Link (single)  in an instance table, you have to create a separate column for each value and reference the values individually using the following syntax:

  • Name_of_AppLink.fieldNameInContainer_of_formElement

The syntax changes if you want to reference values from one of the following form fields (see Elements with Value Pairs ):

  • Drop-down Field

  • Radio Button

  • Search Field

  • URL Field

Values created using one of these four elements must be referenced using the following syntax:

  • Name_of_AppLink.fieldNameInContainer_of_formElement.label

  • Name_of_AppLink.fieldNameInContainer_of_formElement.value

  • Name_of_AppLink.fieldNameInContainer_of_formElement.url (only for URL Field)

Although the form element Process App Link (single) exists only in responsive forms, its contents can also be displayed in a Mobile Overview.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
App "Orders" contains the Process App Link "Customer" linking the app "Customer Database"

In the responsive form of the app Orders the Process App Link (single) Customer was inserted.

The element links to the app Customer Database. From the Customer Database app, the salutation, first name and last name of the customer should be displayed.

  • The Salutation field is a radio button with the Field Name in Container custDataSalutation.

  • The First Name field is an input field with the Field Name in Container custDataFirstName.

  • The Last Name field is an input field with the Field Name in Container custDataLastName.

The contents of the app link Customer should be displayed in the overview.

In the instance table of the overview, the columns Salutation, First Name and Last Name are configured as follows:

  • Customer.custDataSalutation.label

  • Customer.custDataFirstName

  • Customer.custDataLastName

The overview then displays the values of the app link Customer in the Salutation, First Name, and Last Name columns.

If you use the Column Wizard, the first entry from the Display Fields list is automatically added to the instance table.

Example MOBILE Overview
App "Orders" contains the Process App Link "Customer" linking the app "Customer Database"

In the responsive form of the app Orders the Process App Link (single) Customer was inserted.

The element links to the app Customer Database. From the Customer Database app, the salutation, first name and last name of the customer should be displayed.

  • The Salutation field is a radio button with the Field Name in Container custDataSalutation.

  • The First Name field is an input field with the Field Name in Container custDataFirstName.

  • The Last Name field is an input field with the Field Name in Container custDataLastName.

The contents of the app link Customer should be displayed in the overview.

In the instance table of the overview, the columns Salutation, First Name and Last Name are configured as follows:

  • Customer.custDataSalutation.label

  • Customer.custDataFirstName

  • Customer.custDataLastName

If you open the Mobile Overview on your device, the three contents of the app link are displayed as individual values.

Process App Link (multiple)

The form element Process App Link (multiple) exists in two versions:

  • For responsive forms

  • For mobile forms

The following applies to both variants: The content of a Process App Link (multiple) is an instance table.
But a table column can only be configured for one value at a time. Therefore, the contents of an instance table cannot be displayed in the column of an overview table.

The content of a Process App Link (multiple) cannot be displayed in an overview.

The Signature Elements

The signature field gives the user the possibility to sign a form. There is a small difference between the elements Signatureand and Signature (Mobile):

  • The content of the responsive form element Signature is saved as a single image file.

  • The content of the form element Signature (Mobile) is saved as image file within an array.


The content of the responsive signature field can be displayed in overview forms in different variants:

  • File Name (name): If you want to display the name of the file, you must add the extension .name to the Field Name in Container. Choose the column type text.

  • URL (url): You can also display the path under which the signature is stored in the container. To do so, add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container. Choose the column type text.

  • Image (url): If the signature is to be displayed as an image, you must add the extension .url to the Field Name in Container and choose the column type image.

Please note that the content of the responsive Signature element cannot be displayed as image in a Mobile Overview.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying the responsive Signature Element "Please sign" as Text and Image

A responsive form contains the Signature element Please sign with the Field Name in Container signature.

Three columns are defined in the responsive overview form:

  • Signature Name: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Signature URL: Contains the entry signature.url and the column type text.

  • Signature Picture: Contains the entry signature.url and the column type image.

A user has signed the form. The content of the Signature element is displayed in the Responsive Overview as follows:

  • The content of a Signature element is given a UUID as name. So in column Signature Name, the UUID of the signature is displayed.

  • Column Signature URL shows the path under which the signature is stored in the container.

  • In column Signature Picture the signature is displayed as image.

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying the responsive Signature Element "Please sign" as Text

A responsive form contains the Signature element Please sign with the Field Name in Container signature.

Two columns are defined in the Mobile Overview:

  • Signature Name: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Signature URL: Contains the entry signature.url and the column type text.

Please note that the content of the responsive Signature element cannot be displayed as image in a Mobile Overview.

A user has signed the form. The content of the Signature element is displayed in the Mobile Overview as follows:

  • The content of a Signature element is given a UUID as name. So in column Signature Name, the UUID of the signature is displayed.

  • Column Signature URL shows the path under which the signature is stored in the container.

Visit page Using the Signature Element for more detailed information.

Signature (Mobile)

The content of the element Signature (Mobile) can be displayed in overview forms in different variants. Since the content of the mobile signature field is saved in an array, you have to add the position in the array to the Field Name in Container when referencing it:

  • File Name (name): If you want to display the name of the file, you must add the extension to the Field Name in Container. Choose the column type text.

  • URL (url): You can also display the path under which the signature is stored in the container. To do so, add the extension .0.url to the Field Name in Container. Choose the column type text.

  • Image (url): If the signature is to be displayed as an image, do as follows:

    • Mobile Overview: Enter the Field Name in Container of the signature field and choose the column type image.

    • Responsive Overview: Add the extension .0.url to the Field Name in Container and choose the column type image.

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying the Element Signature (Mobile) Confirm receipt as Text and Image

A Mobile form contains the Signature element Confirm receipt.

Its Field Name in Container is receipt.

Three columns are defined in the Mobile Overview form:

  • Signature Name: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Signature URL: Contains the entry receipt.0.url and the column type text.

  • Signature Picture: Contains the entry receipt.url and the column type image.

A user has signed the form. The content of the Signature element is displayed in the Mobile Overview as follows:

  • In column Signature Name, the name of the image file is displayed.

  • Column Signature URL shows the path under which the signature is stored in the container.

  • In column Signature Picture the signature is displayed as image.

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying the Element Signature (Mobile) Confirm receipt as Text and Image

A Mobile form contains the Signature element Confirm receipt.

Its Field Name in Container is receipt.

Three columns are defined in the Responsive Overview form:

  • Signature Name: Contains the entry and the column type text.

  • Signature URL: Contains the entry receipt.0.url and the column type text.

  • Signature Picture: Contains the entry receipt.0.url and the column type image.

A user has signed the form. The content of the Signature element is displayed in the Responsive Overview as follows:

  • In column Signature Name, the name of the image file is displayed.

  • Column Signature URL shows the path under which the signature is stored in the container.

  • In column Signature Picture the signature is displayed as image.

Visit page Unterschrift-Feld verwenden (German) for more detailed information.

URL Field

The URL Field consists of two fields:

  • URL

  • Display Name

The content of the URL element therefore also contains a pair of values (see Elements with Value Pairs):

  • The URL can be accessed using the extension url ( fieldNameInContainer.url ).

  • The display name is saved as a label ( fieldNameInContainer.label ).

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Displaying Label and URL of the URL Field "Your URL"

In a form, the URL Field Your URL is created.

Its Field Name in Container is customerUrl.

In the overview table, the URL and the display name of the URL element should be displayed.

  • The column URL Label contains the entry customerUrl.label.

  • In the URL column customerUrl.url is entered.

In the overview, the display name and URL are displayed as configured.

Example MOBILE Overview
Displaying Label and URL of the URL Field "Your URL"

Although the URL field can only be used in responsive forms, stored values can also be displayed in a Mobile Overview. The columns are configured in the same way as for a responsive overview:

  • The column URL Label contains the entry customerUrl.label.

  • In the URL column customerUrl.url is entered.

The data is displayed in the Mobile Overview as configured.

Example of a Responsive Overview Configuration

Example RESPONSIVE Overview
Configuration of the Overview in ACME's Procurement Process

The following columns are created for the instance table of the overview:

  • Request Number

  • Creation Date

  • Name

  • Department

  • Type of Request

  • Order Value

  • Confirmation

  • Status

No form entry is used for the columns Creation Date and Status :

  • For the content of column Creation Date the corresponding meta information of the instance (meta.CreatedAt) is used.

  • For column Status the column type step is used, which automatically displays the current step of an instance. 

The overview form contains the filter fields

  • Request Number

  • Name

  • Creation Date

  • Department

The instances are displayed later in the Request Table containing the following values from the respective data record:

  • Request Number

  • Creation Date

  • Name

  • Department

  • Type of Request

  • Order Value

  • Confirmation

  • Status

The filter fields are links to the form elements used in the corresponding responsive form.

If the overview is executed, the data records are displayed according to the configuration.

Example of a Mobile Overview Configuration

Example MOBILE Overview
Configuration of the Overview in ACME's Damage Reporting Process

The following columns are created for the instance table of the overview:

  • Date of Accident

  • Last Name

  • Role in Accident

  • Other Party: Name

  • OP: Phone

  • OP: License Plate

  • OP: Insurance

Last Name and Role in Accident values ate to be displayed in the same line, so width 1/2 is entered for these columns. This also applies for the values OP: License Plate and OP: Insurance.

The configured instance table is displayed in the form of the Mobile Overview.

When you execute the overview on a mobile device, stored instances are displayed one below the other. The values are displayed for each instance as configured:

  • Date of Accident

  • Last Name

  • Role in Accident

  • Other Party: Name

  • OP: Phone

  • OP: License Plate

  • OP: Insurance

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