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Editing Calculated Metrics

Editing Data of a Calculated Metric

Display the list of metrics by selecting Calculated Metrics from the sidebar menu:


You can filter the list of metrics by typing into the search field of the filter bar. The number of matching metrics is displayed on the right side of the search field. If no filter has been set, the list shows the total number of available metrics:


Use option Edit to open a data sheet:


In the metric's data sheet, you can now edit the calculation rule of the metric.

Please note that you cannot change the master data of a calculated metric once it has been created. You can only rework its calculation rule.

Deleting a Calculated Metric

Display the list of metrics by selecting Calculated Metrics from the sidebar menu:

Go to the line of the metric you want to delete and use option Delete:

Confirm the deletion dialog:


The metric is deleted and the updated list is displayed:

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