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Security Reference

Security Parameter Types


Attribute is a name-value pair that can be used to specify any additional information about the Principal not covered by security tokens and roles.

nameStringSpecify additional information as a string.any string
valueAnySpecify any additional information.any content


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
operationStringName of the intercepted operation.any string
parameters Parameter An array of Parameter.
principal Principal An array of Principal.
transactionIDStringSpecify here the ID of the message.any string


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
nameStringContains the name of the parameter to be manipulated.any string
valueAnyContains the value of the parameter to be manipulated.any content

Deprecated PostprocessorMessage

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
outputMessageAnySpecify here the output message.any content
operationStringHolds the name of the operation which will be / was invoked by the request.any string
principal Principal An array of Principal.

Deprecated PreprocessorMessage

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
inputMessageAnySpecify here the input message.any content
operationStringHolds the name of the operation which will be / was invoked by the request.any string
principal Principal An array of Principal.


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
userIDStringUnique identifier of the user.any string
attributes Attribute Attributes is an array of Attribute objects.
securityTokens SecurityToken An array of SecurityToken objects describing the credentials used for authentication.
roles Role Roles is an array of Role objects.

If authentication is not configured, the Principal will have the UserID anonymous with no security tokens, roles, and attributes assigned.


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
nameStringSpecifies the name of a role.any string


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
typeStringDefines what mechanism of authentication was used and how the rest of the object is structured.any string
isVerifiedBooleanThe attribute IsVerified is set to true, if the given credentials were successfully verified.true/false


Attribute NameTypeDescriptionValues/Example
userNameStringContains the user name.any string
passwordStringContains the users password.any string

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