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SMTP Adapter Reference

Tagged Values (<<SMTPAlias>>)

Tagged ValueDescriptionAllowed Values
hostSupply the fully qualified name of the smart host.any string, must be a valid SMTP server
localhost (default)
portSupply the SMTP port number of the smart host.any integer
25 (default)
userSupply user and password as user/password.any string


domainNameStringinSupplies the sender domain the e-mail is sent from. Normally this is the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the system the Bridge is running on (e.g.
serverStringinSupplies the name of the smart host. If no server is specified, localhost will be used.
portIntegerinSupplies the SMTP port of the smart host. If no port number is specified, 25 will be used.
userStringinSupplies the user part of the credentials.
passwordStringinSupplies the password part of the credentials. 

Supplies the e-mail address of the sender of the e-mail. It contains the plain address without comments or real name parts (e.g. If you do not specify a sender, the e-mail cannot be delivered successfully.

The sender defines the Return-Path value of the message header. Some smart hosts check, if the sender's address is legitimate before accepting the e-mail. If the from field is provided in the header parameters, its value will be displayed in the e-mail client instead of the sender.

recipientsArray of StringinEach array element identifies one recipient of the e-mail, and contains the plain address without comments or real name parts.
headerParametersArray of MIMEHeaderFieldin

Supplies an array of custom SMTP header parameters with name - value pairs (to, cc, bcc, from, subject, reply-to, etc.).

You need to provide the e-mail addresses of all recipients in array recipients!
If no recipients are defined, the service will return an error. Recipients, which are defined in the array attribute headerParameters are only used to display the to, cc, and bcc fields in the receiver's e-mail client. They will not be used for the list of real recipients, unless you define them explicitly in the tagged values of the SMTP adapter as shown for static e-mailing.

If you use the e-mail client function Reply All upon receiving the e-mail, the recipients of the new e-mail will be generated from the original SMTP header parameters, and the sender, unless the from field was defined in the message header.


  • Name: to
  • Name: subject
    Order E2E Bridge
  • Name: reply-to
contentBlobinThe body of the e-mail may contain any kind of data and is wrapped in an object of base type Blob.

Parameter Types


MIMEPart Structure

Figure: MIME Part Structure

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