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The Navigation Bar

Users find various functions in the navigation bar:



Use these options to switch between the Process Mining and the cockpit view

Use this option to open the user preferences.

Use this option to open the Process Mining documentation in a new browser tab.

Use this option to log out.

The Cockpit Switches

In addition to the Process Analyzer, Process Mining also offers users a cockpit in which external links can be created and managed. Use the options in the header to switch between the mining view and the cockpit view:

User Preferences

You can manage your Process Mining user preferences from the navigation bar. Click the user image to display the available options. Once you have completed your entries, click the image again to close the sidebar:


Language Selection

Click on one of the country flags to change the display language of the user interface. The languages currently supported are German, English and - in the cockpit - French:


User Settings

Your user name and the name of your company are displayed in the User area. Click Change Password to open a dialog to change your password:


Change Password

To change your password, enter your old password and a new password in the fields provided. Please make sure that:

  • your password is between 8 and 42 characters long.

  • your password starts with a letter.

  • your password is alphanumeric.

  • your password has at least one digit.

  • your password contains only the special characters permitted (!, @, #, $,%).

Click Save to apply the change:


By default, your entries in the password fields are invisible:


Use option Show / Hide to check your entries for typos:



In the Settings area you can define various attributes of your user interface:


Open Links in New Tab
You can use the slider to set preferences for opening links in the cockpit: in a new browser tab (right position) or in the current browser tab (left position).

Reset Intro
This option allows you to repeat the brief tour of cockpit functionality at any time: Click Reset Intro to run the short cockpit introduction after the next login.


The Version area shows the Process Mining version number with which you are currently working:


Save Notification

Changes to user settings can be made directly in the sidebar. The notification User preferences saved will appear at the bottom left on completion of an action and once the changes have been saved successfully.

Help & Logout



Use this option to open the Scheer PAS Process Mining documentation. The button opens the process mining guide in a new tab.

Use this option to end the current Process Mining session. After logging out, you will return automatically to the login page.

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