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jsonToClass() Operation


set anObject = aString.jsonToClass()
set anObject = jsonToClass(literal)


Takes an JSON string (aString) and tries to map it to anObject. If this is not possible, an error is raised.

By default, the following mapping rules apply:

  • JSON attributes are mapped to class attributes having the same name.

  • Attributes not defined in the target class are ignored.

For more mapping details refer to JSON Type Mapping.



A JSON document as String.


Target object, can be any object.


String literal.


set myAddress = addressAsJSONDocument.jsonToClass();

The action script below creates an object of type Address. An output object flow state named myAddress of type Address needs to be defined in the activity diagram.

create myAddress;
set myAddress = addressAsJSONDocument.jsonToClass();

The example below shows how to specify the xUML type at runtime, e.g. if using a derived class.

  "name":"John Snow",
  "company":"Winter & Partners",

The xUML type is declared by the attribute "e2e:type". The type has to be specified like <xml_namespace>.<classname>.

For more information on JSON refer to the JSON Homepage or to RFC 4627.

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