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jsonToClass() Operation


set anObject = aString.jsonToClass()
set anObject = jsonToClass(literal)


The operation jsonToClass() takes an JSON string (aString) and tries to map it to anObject. If this is not possible, an error is raised.

By default, the following mapping rules apply:

  • JSON attributes are mapped to class attributes having the same name.

  • Attributes not defined in the target class are ignored.

For more mapping details refer to JSON Type Mapping.



A JSON document as String.


Target object, can be any object.


String literal.


set myAddress = addressAsJSONDocument.jsonToClass();

The action script below creates an object of type Address. An output object flow state named myAddress of type Address needs to be defined in the activity diagram.

create myAddress;
set myAddress = addressAsJSONDocument.jsonToClass();

The example below shows how to specify the xUML type at runtime, e.g. if using a derived class.

  "name":"John Snow",
  "company":"Winter & Partners",

The xUML type is declared by the attribute "e2e:type". The type has to be specified like <xml_namespace>.<classname>.

For more information on JSON refer to the JSON Homepage or to RFC 4627.

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