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Adding a Build Test

To compile an xUML model to a Bridge repository, add a Build test to your test suite. Select Build Bridge Repository from the list of tests actions (see Creating Additional Tests).

As a first step, select the UML document you want to build the repository of. Click

to open a file browser. Select an xml file and click OK:

After a few seconds, data from the model will be loaded into the dialog.

Select a deployment from the lists of deployments. The regression test project folder is pre-populated with the Builder project folder.
Then, click OK to proceed:

You can change these details later on in the test preferences

Specify the Preferences of the Test Action

Specify the preferences of the test action. The preferences on the General and Compare tabs are adjusted accordingly. For more information on the test preferences refer to Modifying the Test Preferences.




Specify the name of the test. As a default, Build repository of <name of the deployment> is suggested.

UML Document

Specify name and path of the UML model you want to build the repository of.


Specify the deployment of the selected model.


Specify name and path of the repository to be created.

Clean before compile

Select to perform a clean before compile or not.

If you select to not perform a clean before compile, unchanged parts of the model are not compiled. This may safe time on test execution, but also prevents the Analyzer from re-compiling the model, if e.g. the shipped compiler changed.
Thus, we recommend to stick with the default option Clean before compile.

Project Folder

Specify the project folder of the project the model belongs to.

First execution of a Build test after starting the Analyzer may take a little longer, because the Compiler is loaded.

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