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Runtime Errors

Tracing the UML model, some diagrams might contain components colored in red, because an error occurred within them. Usually, the reasons for runtime errors can be twofold.

  • The xUML Runtime failed to execute the service request due to one or multiple errors in one or more UML diagrams.

  • The xUML Runtime failed to execute the service request due to an error thrown deliberately in an activity diagram by the modeler.

Errors in UML Diagrams

The figure below illustrates how the Trace Analyzer represents the executed UML model, if the xUML Runtime failed to execute the service request due to one or multiple errors in one or more UML diagrams.

Each element from the call stack that has been affected by an error is colored in red.

To solve the problem do the following:

  1. Edit the corresponding UML diagram and correct it.

  2. Re-compile the service.

  3. Deploy it, if necessary.

  4. Start the service.

  5. Re-run the test case.

Error Thrown within Model

The other reason may be that the xUML Runtime failed to execute the service request due to an error thrown deliberately in an activity diagram by the modeler. The figure below illustrates how the Trace Analyzer represents the executed UML model in this second case.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.