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Node.js Interface to the Bridge

This Node.js modul allows to interact with the Bridge. The Bridge lib can be used to
  • deploy, remove, start and stop xUML, Node.js and Java Services,
  • set the preferences of xUML, Node.js and Java Services,
  • kill xUML Services
  • pack Node.js Services

Simply add a dependency to e2e-bridge-lib in your package.json file or install it using:

npm install e2e-bridge-lib

You can find more a more detailed documentation of the package on the GitHub or NPM pages.

Usage Example

var E2EBridge = require('e2e-bridge-lib');
var bridgeInstance = new E2EBridge('localhost', 8080, 'admin', 'admin');

bridgeInstance.startXUMLService('PurchaseOrderExample', function(error){
    if(error) {
        console.error('Error occured: ' + error.errorType);
    } else {
        console.log('Startup done.');
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