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Setting up the User Database

Install MongoDB

To install the MongoDB, you need to execute the following steps:

  1. Download the MongoDB setup file from the Download Center of MongoDB. For most scenarios the free Community Edition is sufficient. Choose a version (4.2 is recommended) matching the architecture and OS of the machine which is going to host your user database.

  2. Consult the MongoDB installation instructions (Windows, Linux) to setup MongoDB as a service on your machine.
    You might want to change the following settings:

  3. Optional: Consult the MongoDB Security Checklist (mainly applicable to the MongoDB enterprise edition) to protect your MongoDB installation.

Load Initial Data

  1. Extract the initialization files for the user database. They are located in

  2. Transfer the initialization files for the user database to the MongoDB host.

  3. Import the initial data into your MongoDB installation.

    cd <your path to unzipped initial data>
    <path to your mongo db installation>/mongo --verbose setupInitialData.js

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