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Installing and Configuring Database Access for Informix

Installing the SQL Client Tools for Informix

Install the required Informix client tools (Informix Client Software Development Kit). The client software is available from the IBM pages. Define all necessary configuration parameters and note the following hints:

  • Configure the Informix server and make it the default server.

  • Set Client_Locale=en_us.utf8 DB_Locale=en_us.utf8 in the Client/Server Environment.

  • The client software contains a connection test tool, e.g. ConnectTest.exe for Windows.

Refer to Database Specifics for information on the Informix specific connection string.

Setting the Operating System PATH for DLL Files

The client DLL files must be available from the Bridge. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • You can add the folder the DLLs are residing in to the operating system's PATH directly. For Windows that would be C:\Program Files\Informix Client-SDK\bin.

  • You can add a start script to your Bridge installation that set the path for all services.



Change the OS path

  1. Add the client folder of your Informix installation to the OS path environment variable.

  2. Reboot your system.

Add a start script

  1. Create a script informix.bat like this (Windows example):

    @echo off
    set PATH=C:\Program Files\Informix Client-SDK\bin;%PATH%

    The name of this script is not important, but the extension must be bat on Windows or sh on Linux.

  2. Copy this file to folder <my Bridge data folder>/plugins/startup/. The script will be executed on every startup of a service (all services of the Bridge instance) and set the path accordingly.

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