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Making a Copy of a File

This page explains the Filesystem Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to Filesystem Adapter in the Designer guide.

Runtime 2020.4 Builder 7.8.0  With action copy you can copy a file in one action. Copy supports copying huge files because it does not load the complete file into memory.

Parameters of Action "copy"


Fully qualified file name of the file you want to copy, including the path.


Fully qualified file name of the target file, including the path.

When using the Windows style with backward slashes "\" you have to be aware that you have escape this character. The escape character is also the "\".
To avoid this, use forward slashes with Windows as well.

Defining a "copy" Action

To copy a file with the file system adapter, you need to define a copy action on an action having the stereotype <<FileSystemAdapter>>. You can do this manually or with the help of the xUML Action Wizard (see context menu of the action node).

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