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Modeling Error Handling

The Bridge features an implicit error handling mechanism. If an error occurs during the execution of a service and if the error is not caught, it is sent back to the client. The mechanism to do this depends on the service type.

Example File (Builder project Basic Modeling/ErrorHandling):

<your example path>\Basic Modeling\ErrorHandling\uml\errorHandling.xml

Every error is described using four classifiers:

CategorySpecifies the category of the error. Category can be either "Internal", "External," or "User".InternalInternal errors occur for example if NULL values are used as input for operations that cannot handle such values.
ExternalExternal errors occur when communicating with the environment. For example, the Bridge cannot connect a backend system (e.g. a database connection error) or – for instance – a SOAP input message leads to an XML parsing error because the request sent to the Bridge is not a valid SOAP request.
UserUser errors are defined in the UML model.
Specifies an internal group information token, e.g. all SOAP adapter errors are grouped under the domain SOAPADSM (a list of all built-in error domains can be found in Error Codes).e.g. BESM
CodeSpecifies the number of the error. Together with the domain value it is the unique identifier of an error (a list of all built-in error domains can be found in Error Codes pp.).1
DescriptionContains a human readable description of the error.Function did not return data.

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