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The Notifications menu informs you about important events in API Management and the API Developer Portal.

The notifications can also be sent by by email. This feature must be enabled during the the setup of your Scheer PAS installation. Ask your Scheer PAS administrator for help.

Notifications are sent on the following occasions:



Notifications Inbox


New API sign-up request for an "approval required" API

  • All members of the organization with role Editor.

  • The person who requested API access.



Approval of an API sign-up request

The person who requested API access.



Rejection of an API sign-up request

The person who requested API access.



Registration of a client

All members of the organization with role Editor.



API is retired

  • Every user with role Editor and an existing contract between their client and the retired API.

  • A notification will be sent for every affected contract.



Tab My Notifications is displayed directly in the main navigation bar of API Management. The number of unread notifications is also shown. Click the tab to open the notifications:


All notifications are displayed in a list. You can use the filter to search for specific messages:


The notifications are also available in the API Developer Portal. In the API Developer Portal, you can select between different notification views (Unread, Read, All):


Use Mark as Read to send a notification from tab Unread to tab Read.

Functionalities of the Notification List

The notification list in API Management displays all unread messages, which makes it a task list for the administrator.

In addition, the messages in the notification list are interactive. Notification messages are links: Click one... go to the corresponding location and perform the required task...

..or to open the related entity.

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