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The Components Wizard

The Builder provides the Components Wizard, which supports you with the task of defining all components of the xUML service in the component diagram.

A component diagram defines how components are wired together to form larger components or software systems. In context of the Bridge you define xUML services that are deployed to a Bridge. The most important component in the context of the Bridge is the repository file (see component EducationLesson3 below, stereotyped as <<E2EComposite>>). The repository is generated by the Model Compiler and contains the xUML service defined here.

For each component in the component diagram you can define certain settings that the service needs in order to run properly. For the SOAP service, for instance, these are the protocol and the port used by the service.
For detailed information about all Bridge components and instances used, see Bridge Architecture Overview in the xUML Services Reference Guide.

The Component Wizard helps you to define all components, classes, interfaces, and aliases that are needed to build a complete component diagram. It guides you through all necessary steps and supports you with the customization of all elements.
Once you have completed the component diagram and compiled the xUML service, you can deploy it to an Bridge. This will result in an executable xUML service.

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