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Displaying Translations

How to Display Translations

After logging in to BPaaS, you can select the display language of the user interface in the user settings. Just click on the corresponding country flag:

If English is selected, the user interface is displayed in English:

The tiles, apps and EPKs are then also displayed in English - but only if the translations have been stored accordingly in the respective projects.

Users who have selected German as the display language see the German display:

If the button for French is clicked, the French translations are used:

The name of the group does not change when you switch to another language. You can change the group's name in the group settings menu.

Tile Settings and Multilingualism

If translations have been stored for a project, you can no longer change the project name in the cockpit using the tile settings.

If you open the tile settings, the project name will be grayed out. Hover over the info icon to display the following note:

Translations have been deposited for this model. Please maintain your changes in the project editor.

To make changes, open the project. Use the Edit Model button in the Project Editor to open the dictionary where you can maintain the translations of the project.

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