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setTransactionID() Function


setTransactionID() = aString


Sets the current transaction ID to the specified String value.

The transaction ID has a maximum length of 40 characters. Longer values are cut by the xUML Runtime.


setTransactionID(concat(a_TID_from_caller, aStringAttribute));

Transaction ID

The Transaction ID identifies a transaction. It is a unique number used to trace service calls through the call stack of multiple service calls.

  • Clients calling an xUML service can provide a transaction ID in HTTP header X-Transaction-ID or xTransactionId (in JMS context).

  • SOAP clients can also use the SOAP headers to provide a transaction ID.

  • If an xUML service is called without providing a transaction ID, the Runtime will generate such an ID.

This ID will be passed on through the call stack of the xUML service, so that the whole transaction can be traced. This can be useful, when analyzing the log file in case of error.

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