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Monitoring System Activities

Menu "Activities"

Administrators can use menu Activities to monitor the activities on the system. On the activities page, the systems event messages are visualized and can be searched:

If you open menu Activities, the event log is displayed in the content area. The list of events is sorted chronologically, with the latest events on top:

The event list is loading dynamically on scrolling down. The following data is displayed on the list:

  • Timestamp: Displays date and time of the creation or the last update of the data set.

  • Key: Displays the technical identifier of the event.

  • Creator: Displays the name of the creator of the event. If the creator is an active user, the corresponding login is displayed. If the event has been created by the system, the column will show an entry INTERN.

  • Message: Displays the description of the event as written by the service.

Filtering Activities

The extended filter of the activities menu is working slightly different compared to the other filters. The activities filter is displayed by the Filter options panel - it is not possible to enter text in this field:

You have to use a calendar to fill the filter options Activities from... and Activities to...:

The key field is a drop-down list. Choose one of the displayed activity keys:

If you click into field Creator, another drop-down list allows you to choose a name. You will also be able to reduce the drop-down list by entering a search term. The list then contains only names that match your entry:

Use the field Message as a full-text filter for column Message. You can use regular expressions in this field:

Further information on regular expressions can be found on page Validating Form Fields or on

Activities Overview

The following table shows all events that are currently monitored and logged:







Enables a permission, a profile, a role or a user.


Saves a new permission.


Saves a new profile.


Saves a new role.


Saves a new user.





Disables a permission, a profile, a role or a user.


Modifies a permission.


Modifies a profile.


Modifies a role.


This key is used for different events:

  • if the password of a user is modified.

  • if a user data sheet is modified.

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