Modifying User Access Rights
You can modify Bridge permissions by editing file roles.xml. This file resides in <your Bridge data directory>/domain.
This file is not checked before usage. Typos can make the whole file unusable and as a result users will be locked out.
We recommend to always keep a backup copy of the default file delivered with the Bridge.
Structure of the File
roles.xml is an XML file and has the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<roles version="1.9" xmlns="" sequence="2">
<role roleid="ADMIN" description="Administrators">
<!-- common -->
<permission name="common/welcome" type="ALL" />
<permission name="common/logout" type="ALL" />
<permission name="common/domain" type="ALL" />
<role roleid="MODELER" description="Modelers">
<!-- common -->
<permission name="common/welcome" type="ALL" />
<permission name="common/logout" type="ALL" />
<permission name="common/domain" type="ALL" />
<role roleid="USER" description="Users">
<!-- common -->
<permission name="common/welcome" type="ALL" />
<permission name="common/logout" type="ALL" />
<permission name="common/domain" type="ALL" />
Each Bridge role (ADMIN, MODELER and USER) has its own set of permissions assigned.
Permission Rules
You can change the Bridge permissions by editing this file, but you have to respect the rules listed below.
XML Element | Attribute | Values | Description |
roles | version | It may be that a Bridge update comes with a new roles.xml having an increased version. In this case, your modified roles.xml will get overwritten and you will have to reapply your changes to the new file. Backup your modified role.xml before updating the Bridge. | |
role | roleid | ADMIN MODELER USER | The Bridge permissions are based on these three roles. You can change the permission assigned to them, but you cannot define own roles. |
permission | name | Roles can be adorned with a predefined set of permissions. These permissions are fix – you cannot create your own set of permissions. You can change the permissions in three ways:
| |
type | ALL GROUP OWNER | type defines the service scope of a permission.
| |
methods | any HTTP method | You can also restrict access to HTTP methods regarding access to the Bridge API. In this case, attribute name contains the path to the Bridge resource that is affected, e.g. name supports the following variables:
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